Kiba x Reader /friends w/ benefits!/ fem reader PT 1

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"Y/N!" Kiba yelled, as he was reunited with his teammate after many long months of no contact. Y/N smiled, and hugged Kiba. "How's training been treating ya?" Kiba asked, but before he could even get an answer out of her, she gasped at the sight of Akamaru. He'd definitely grown up way more than the boy had. "What has Kiba been feeding you, boy?" Y/N giggled, getting on her knees to pet Akamaru. Kiba chuckled along, scratching the back of his head. "He's as big as a human, maybe he can be your advisor when you become hokage, instead!" She grinned. Kiba hadn't seen her smile this huge since she petted a kitten in the middle of a mission. "What's that rip in your shirt?" Kiba asked, immediately after detecting it. Y/N looked at the boy with a confused expression before her face changed with a look of realization to what he was talking about. "Ohh, that's from an ambush. But obviously I beat their asses." Y/N said, flexing her almost nonexistent muscles. Kiba chuckled once again, "Your scrawny butt cannot beat an ambush." But then the realization hit Kiba. Although it hadn't yet been a year since he last saw her, she still managed to change a lot. She had bloomed into a woman. A beautiful woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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