Chapter 13: The Risk

Start from the beginning

"As of twenty minutes ago Mori placed a bounty on my head." Only as Keomi said those words did her eyes waver from them as she cut Atsushi off, "I suggest you get the Kuta's out of here before they find us."

Keomi turned looking at the broken elevator not wanting to see their reactions. She forced the tears to stay at bay trying to think about how many people she had lost today. How many enemies she had managed to make in such a small period of time. Yet, she couldn't help the words that flowed from her mouth.

"I guess I was too late to make my choice, hm, Dazai?" Only then did she turn to look at him and she was surprised to see the warmth returning.

"I did warn you, Keomi-Chan." Dazai spoke and he walked towards her speaking once more, "The Kuta's are currently headed to America where the mafia has no influence."

"That's good at least." Keomi let a small breathe out that she had been holding as she used her ability. They couldn't see her cry, so she used her crystals like a mask. Her emotional shield.

"Did the Boss find out about Yukimi?" Dazai asked as he stood next to the girl listening the Atsushi's footsteps which neared them as well.

"I don't know. I guess what I've been up to is no longer a secret now considering you got to the Kuta's?" Keomi looked at Atsushi who was now standing beside her. His looking guilty at her and she smiled at him.

She placed her hand in his head and ruffled his hair.

"Hey!" Atsushi yelled in annoyance as she messed up his hair.

"I'm sorry I'm not the person I used to be." Keomi whispered to him and his eyes lifted up to hers in confusion. But she didn't continue, instead she turned to the brown haired man that she had hoped she would never become.

But she had.

"Do you think the agency can take another traitor in their midst?" Her eyes drooped as she spoke the words as if she was receiving some punishment. But Dazai just gave her a lopsided smile his eyes sparkling in mischief.

"I'm sure we have room for one more."

Akutagawa and Chuuya eventually figured out the girls motives when they found the penthouse elevator with a hole in it. Yet, there were no bodies which only could mean one thing.

"The boss is going to be furious that we took our eyes off of her." Chuuya spoke as he looked around the penthouse floor seeing no evidence that the Kuta's had a fight here.

"I don't understand how she even got away so quickly. We've lived in the city much longer than she has." Akutagawa spoke as his ability ran through the cabinets in the kitchen as he imagined it to be Keomi.

"Maybe she's been hiding parts of herself for awhile." Chuuya responded as he dusted off his hands looking down at the scenery. Someone must be concerned that the elevator for the Kuta's wasn't working. The cops were showing up in heavy numbers.

"We both trained her, how could she have possibly hid part of her ability from us? Surely we would've realized it." Akutagawa grumbled the last part knowing that they should've seen all of this coming.

He had given her those gloves because she hated blood on her hands. What kind of mafioso hated blood on their hands? He should have never let them drag him out for drinks.

He should have never cared.

"You know, you did say you thought they would get along if given the chance." Chuuya spoke as he let out a small sigh. Apparently, Akutagawa had been right all along.

"I meant that they both were talented at annoying people to dangerous levels. Not that she should go and fuck the guy." Akutagawa let his voice drop as he thought about that traitors hands on his protege.

"The Boss only showed them smiling at each other. That doesn't mean she's fucking him Akutagawa." Chuuya responded as he watched the police scurrying around like rats. His eyes narrowed as he imagined Sparks and that Traitor together. It was sickening to think about.

"She might as well be." Akutagawa spoke under his breathe with a twinge of pain. Then, a thought passed through his mind leaving as quick as it came. Why does everyone leave.

"We have to go. The Kuta's and Shizuka are gone," Chuuya spoke with a tired voice as he prepared to blast the glass of the penthouse, "by nightfall there will be dozens of people hunting all of them down."

"She'll be dead by morning." Akutagawa spoke his voice gruff and cold as he watched Chuuya bust the window open the glass flying away. They both looked down to see that chaos had ensued down below at the sight.

"You really think so? We trained her-" Chuuya spoke pausing as he watched Akutagawa's face morph into rage at the thought. He decided to drop the subject for now. Knowing that at the very least...

Keomi Shizuka would not be dead by morning.

With a new name under her. A Survivor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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