Other Books

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Other books by J. Pappas.


Book 1: The Breaking Ocean

Book 2: The Quaking Earth

Book 3: The Splitting Sun

Book 4: The Moon's Bane

Book 5: The Whipping Sky

Book 6: Fallen Stars

Book 7: Reigning Darkness

Field Guide: A Guide to Archai

These Alien Dragons

Book 1: Changing Leaves

Book 2: Rising Tides

Book 3: Shifting Stars

Field Guide: A Guide to the Universe

Originally published: 07/11/2023 (added my two series to pages); edited: 08/11/2023 (changed title of Archai book 3 from "Sky" to "Sun"), 08/28/2023 (changed titles of books 1-3 from "Ocean", "Earth", "Sun" to "The Breaking Ocean", "The Quaking Earth", "The Splitting Sun"), 03/06/2024 (changed titles of TAD from past titles (Turning Tides, Raging Fires, Shifting Stars) to current titles (Changing Leaves, Rising Tides, Shifting Stars), added field guides, and added books 4-7 filler titles (which are their respective elements)), 03/11/2024 (added final titles of Archai's last four books to listing)

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