The gardens were going on for what seemed like forever and they were a combination of beautiful flowers from all around the world with  two mazes and sections reserved for fruit trees. There were paths paved with stone and arcades of climbing flowers. It looked like what one would think paradise would look like. The house was a miniature castle with stained glass at the windows. It was covered in ivy, but charmed to not attract any insects.

"This is gorgeous. I want to live there." Sighed Ginny as she considered how she could play Quidditch with the size of the estate and the house looked like a fairytale castle.

"What did it? For me, it was the stained glass." Whispered Hermione like she was telling her a secret.

"The huge gardens with space for Quidditch." She replied and Hermione started laughing.

"I knew it. Pay up, losers." Hermione cheered and waited with her hand open for the others next to them to offer her the money. They made a bet about who would speak of the house first and why.

She wasn't sure for how long she had been staring at the grounds, but she knew it was for quite some time when Theo put a hand on her shoulders and gently took her inside.

Mr and Mrs Nott were tensely talking with Harry until they saw them. Their posture quickly relaxed and they hugged them close. "We thought something happened or that you splinched." They both said at the same time.

"No, we're fine." Assured Theo as he tried to hide his amusement. His parents were well aware that he had no problems with Apparition. Sometimes they used the fact that they were purebloods to get certain things, like teaching their son to apparate as his tenth birthday present.

"Merlin and Morgan help me." Cursed Amelia. Compared to what she had seen so far and with pureblood culture this was extremely tame, but still.

"Yes, I apologise, Amelia for the inconvenience," smiled apologetically Mrs Nott.

She had to stop herself from laughing. It was sweet that her friend was worrying about her and what she would do. She had more than enough problems to solve without bringing their corrupt and dangerous government. "Don't worry, Silvia. Compared to this, I don't even have what to report. I have no doubt all the legal work is complete."

His mother looked both Violet and he up and down before nodding like they passed what every test she came up with. "If you say so. You know we always take care of each other. Yell for us if you two need anything." Nodded Mrs Nott. She learned that it was better not to press since it would only make him want to lie. She took her husband's hand and started dancing salsa in the direction of the kitchen.

"Are they sane?" Violet asked Theo in a quiet tone. She hasn't seen adults act this way before. She loved them either way, but she would like to know their state of mind.

"Madness and normalcy are very subjective. It depends who you ask and their definition of each notion." Said Dennis, having asked himself that question over the years.

Theo shrugged. He got used over time with his parents' antics, it was amusing to see people actually love each other compared to the stuffy and dry faces of other pureblood couples. "They might be, they night not be, but they're cool either way." He then took her hand and gave Harry a look that meant for him to follow and walked them to the bedrooms.

"Theo, I love you."

"Good to hear, but I'm already dating the love of my life, so unfortunately your feeling are unrequited." Theo said dramatically and kissed Blaise softly. He had no doubt in his mind that he would never love anyone as much as he loved his butterfly. "I love you." He mouthed to Blaise when they pulled apart.

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