Just like Chris said they arrived exactly ten minutes later. I quickly got my things and made my way down to the front door as soon as i heard them pull up. I opened the back door and got in next to kai.

"Hey guys!" I say struggling to contain my excitement.

"Hey harps do you know whos party we're going to?" Matt says from the drivers seat, not taking his eyes off the road.

"No you havent told me" i say

"Its a friend from high school" nick says

"High school?" I give him a confused look "like here high school or my other high school"

"Here high school" he responds

"Oh" i dont know anyone from this high school

"Dont worry we know you wont know them so one of us will stay with you for the whole night" kai says stopping me from picking at my skin in nerves. "Ok?"

I nodded my head at him. Matt told me that we were going to my high school best friends party because its her 19th birthday. I was really excited to meet everyone but also nervous because im supposed to know these people.

Once we arrived i got out the car and i started walking to the door. Then suddenly my body froze. I felt like this feeling was common and it had happened to me before. Someone walks into the back of me breaking me from thought.

"Your supposed to walk all the way to the front door to get in you know. Did you forget that too?" I couldn't move any of my limbs but by the tone of the voice i could tell it was chris.

"I- i-" i tried to speak but my words were not forming.

"Matt!" Chris shouted but i guess he couldnt hear him "fuck sake" chris whispered underneath his breath.

"Chr- chris?" I manage to get out.

"Yeah?" He replies

"I- my vision has gone bl- blurry. My- my ears a-are ringing." I say now being able to move and putting my hands over my ears and closing my eyes tightly trying to get out of this horrible nightmare. Suddenly my whole body goes numb my ears werent ringing but i could hear chris's faint calling of my name. Then the calling stopped.

*Chris's pov*

Once we arrived at the party everyone got out of the car, me being last because i didnt really want to go to the party i only came because matt and nick forced me too. As i was walking to the front door i didn't realise she stopped but i walked right into the back of Harper.

"Your supposed to walk all the way to the front door to get in you know. Did you forget that too?" I say laughing lowly to myself.

"I- i-" she tries to get out but by her facial expression i could tell she was struggling

"Matt!" I shouted out but matt had already gone into the house "fuck sake" i whisper hoping she didnt hear me.

"Chr- chris?" She said all my attention turns to her

"Yeah?" Im not even think about jess right now, who by the way was inside of the house we were standing outside of.

"I- my vision has gone bl- blurry. My- my ears a-are ringing." She says her voice was shaky. She shuts her eyes tightly and puts her hands over her ears. Her body relaxed with what seemed like a split second, her body began to lean to the side. I called out her name and grabbed her to make sure she wouldnt hurt herself on the ground.

My heart was racing i mean she didn't even know who i was and i had to look after her right now. I picked her up and walked away from the house and took her to a quieter place with plenty light. The park. I put her down onto the grass. I shake her lightly to get her up but she doesnt budge.

I reach for my phone to call matt and possibly 911 if i needed to, but my phone wasn't there. I panic a little but then realise that i must of left it in the car.




love you all 🫶🫶

"You hate me?" ~ chris sturnioloDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora