Chapter 5 (what did you mean by that?+Shopping)

Start from the beginning

They grumbled and went out of my office. Damn I never thought about it like that before. Could he really be Bella. I'd hate to admit that maybe they were right, but then again Mateo did start puberty when he was 14.

I poured vodka in a glass and open my laptop. I had planned to do a background check on Luciano earlier but I never got the chance to, so now I was going to do it. I typed in his name and no bad credentials other than, shoplifting and armed theft charges, that were two years ago. He would be 12 years old at that time and in juvie for a few months.

I drink the vodka and shake my head. God this kid is either troubled or he went through some troubling things. What really caught my attention is that, there was a report on an incident where his step-father was involved. He was locked up for 50 years on an attempted murder charge on a minor and child abuse.

Luciano POV

I was having the worst dream of my life.

3rd Person POV

*flashback to 10 years old*

Luci was all cuddled up in the closet crying softly. His stepfather Walt had a baseball bat ready to smash his head in the ground. The police was outside ready to get inside the house and take down Walt. Mia was working at the grocery store when she got pulled outside by officers. She was crying heavily when she saw Walt in cuffs. She came over and hugged Luci very tightly when he was out of the house.

"Oh my baby!" She was sobbing. "Why did I leave you alone with him." Then a paramedic pulled me aside and checked to see if I had any injuries but he found previous bruises from Walt.

5 days after the incident, Luci and Mia were in court testifying against Walt. Walt got sentenced to 50 years in prison for attempt to assault a minor and child abuse. 

Luciano's POV

I woke up gasping from my dream. Well it wasn't really a dream. More like a nightmare that will never go away. It was 5: 32 am I got out of bed and grabbed my backpack. Inside the backpack was a ziplock bag full of zaza and rolled up blunts. I went into my own bathroom and I put a towel on the crack of the bottom door so that the smell of zaza doesn't get out.

I finally smoked the blunt and I've never felt so free. I finished the blunt and threw it away in another bag. I exited the bathroom and waited another 30 minutes so the high goes away a little.    I started doing cartwheels. "Shout, Shout, Shout, SHOUT AT THE DEVIL!" I sang horribly along to the cd. I heard someone's feet coming to my room. I turned the music off and  quickly ran to my bed. I realized I still smell like weed by the time that person came to my bed. 

Next thing I know, water is being dumped on my face. "HOLY SHIT!" I got up and ran to my bathroom to get a towel. Dante sat on my bed with the now empty bucket smirking. "Good morning." I glare at him, "GET OUT!" He rolled his eyes. "Alright but Dads wants you to come down for breakfast Bella." My eyes widened. "Wait what? What did you just call me?" I rubbed the upper part of my neck as I was freaking out in my mind. Did he know that I was trans? I thought I passed well since a lot of conservatives thought I was a regular boy.

"I heard what dad and our older brothers were talking about last night. They think that you are Bella." I sheepishly laughed. "That's dumb." Dante shrugged and left the room. I took a deep breath. I run my hands through my hair and feel how soft it is. My mother used to do it when I was crying. I didn't have perfume or cologne on me so I reeked of weed. Maybe if I take a shower real quick Alessandro won't notice the smell. 

Before I started the shower someone knocked on my door rapidly. I opened it and it was Elio. I greeted him with a smiling face. "Good morning!"He looked like he wasn't in a joyous mood. "I thought Dante was told to wake you up for breakfast?" I sighed. "He spilled water on me so I'm gonna take a quick shower. If that's ok?" 

He looked at me weird. "Take a shower after breakfast. We're taking you shopping at the mall for your new clothes."  I pleaded, "Just lemme take a quick shower and then i'll eat. You can carry on breakfast without me. " He rolled his eyes playfully and dragged me downstairs. "Nice try dumbass. Let's go down now."

I muttered. "Fuck you" He turned around. "What did you say?" "Nothing." I replied. We arrived to the kitchen and I sat down where I sat down last time. There was a platter of eggs and bacon. There were also fruits in a bowl. I grabbed a plate and put the scrambled eggs and fruits on it.. I'm not particularly a fan of bacon. I like chicken better.

Everyone at the table at least glanced at me once and it was very creepy. Once I finished my food I exited the table with my plate in hand, walking to the sink and washing my dish. I went to the living room and sat on the couch. I fiddled with my thumbs while waiting for my father and brothers to finish eating. 

Once they finished I got ready and was able to take a shower. I put on a t-shirt that had David Bowie on it and for the pants I put on black baggy jeans. I went back downstairs and saw Marcello and Mateo in suits. I raised my eyebrow, "Why are y'all in suits? Aren't we just going to the mall?" Marcello chuckled at my response and said, "Well yes we are only going to the mall. Romeo and Dante can't make it because they still have to go to school." I nodded. "Ok, are we gonna go now?" Mateo nodded and we went to their garage. We got in this black SUV which just screamed rich bitches. 

Marcello got a phone call which made him switch to Italian. I picked up a few Italian words from this deli I used to work at. He yelled, "You better get me those shipments now or it'll cost you your life!" (Italian is the bold)

I know I'm not fluent in Italian but he said something about shipments and life. Whatever that means anyways. We arrive at the mall and as soon as we got out people started staring at us more specifically, they were looking at Marcello and Mateo like he was some fuck toy. They were looking at me like I was some whore. 

Bro I am bisexual but why would I have a crush on my own brothers? Anyways, the first store we went in was this store that was called Funk E' Breeze. It had a bunch of $10 band t-shirts that were good quality. Mateo whispered. "Do you wanna get some more high quality t-shirts." I shook my head. "This is high quality enough. We clearly have different ideas of high quality clothes." I looked through a rack of clothes and bought a Limp Bizkit, Falling In Reverse, and Alice in Chains t-shirt.

We exited the shop and went to get food at this mcdonalds stall type shit. I got 20 piece chicken nuggets and a Mcchicken. When I finished my food I said."Hey Marcello I'm gonna throw the wrapper away." He nodded and looked at his phone. I threw away my food and went back to the table. "Are we going to go home now?" Mateo sighed. "Alright. Yeah but don't you want anything more high quality?" I chuckled. "I already told you this is good enough for me. I just want to go home now."


This was 2039 words. Sorry if it bored y'all and sorry for the wait.

I'm working on a punk rock song that's why didn't have time to write.

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