Chapter 1: Enter The Picture Book

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"The Twelve Elemental Keepers, Protectors of Elementopia." Princess Peach was in her castle, working on a special art project. This one was different from her past work, because this time, she was working on a picture book. This picture book she was working on was about, obviously, twelve spirits who protect the elements of nature, as well as their home world of Elementopia. This was also one of the Princess' longest and most ambitious art projects, and she had been working hard on it for almost a month. She put down the coloured pencil she had been using, and picked up the paper stack. On the first page was the title of the picture book, and surrounding it were twelve, small, colourful beings with disembodied, floating hands and feet. Peach flipped through the pages, smile growing wider with each turn. "I think I'm done." She said, wiping sweat from her forehead. She got up from her chair and started clearing her desk, keeping the soon-to-be picture book sitting in the middle of it. When Peach finished, she looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 7:30 "Oh my," She said in surprise. "Have I not eaten in seven hours?" Peach's shoulders sagged. "I guess I could do with a snack, it's a little too late for dinner now."

That night, Peach had changed into her nightgown, fluffed her pillows, and got herself as cozy as she could in bed. Little did Peach know, someone was outside the castle, watching her. Who? Bowser, of course. After all, who else would stalk Peach while she's sleeping? Through the telescope on the airship, Bowser could see Peach sleeping, but also, her picture book sitting on her desk. "Will you hurry up already!?" Shellby complained. "Give me a minute, Shellby." Bowser said, waving his hand, dismissively at his wife. Bowser turned around to his half-asleep family and clapped his hands once to get their attention. "Attention, family." He told his family. "I've come up with a new plan-" Bowser was interrupted by Piccolo, who was up past her bedtime to help Bowser. "Does this involve kidnapping Princess Peach again?" She asked, tired. "Don't interrupt me, young lady!" Bowser scolded, pointing at her. "And no, we're not kidnapping Peach this time!" He continued. "No, we're doing something much, MUCH worse." Shellby looked at Bowser, one eyebrow raised. "What will we be doing that's much MUCH worse?" Bowser took another look through the telescope again, and smiled, widely. "Peach has created a picture book," Bowser explained. "And I thought that instead of kidnapping her, we go inside the book and cause whatever chaos within the pages, AND cause Peach some severe emotional distress!" "Not a bad idea, Daddy." Jr said. "That's the spirit, son!" Bowser said, cheerfully. Larry raised his arm. "Yes, Larry?" Bowser asked. "How are we supposed to get in? The doors are locked." Larry replied. Bowser realised Larry had a point; the doors to Princess Peach's castle were locked. He grabbed Grandma Kamek's wand out of her hand and waved it high in the air. The spell transported the family inside Peach's bedroom. "Look at her, sleeping." Piccolo whispered, watching Peach sleep. "Wish I could be doing that right now." She remarked to Larry, sassily. "SSH! Be quiet, you!" Bowser hushed. "Gimme my wand back, mister!" Kamek piped up, snatching her wand back from Bowser. "Now, is everyone ready to enter the picture book?" She asked everyone. "I think we're all ready, Kamek." Shellby replied. "Then let's go!" Bowser said, punching the air. "Finally..." The Koopalings and Piccolo groaned. Grandma Kamek spun her wand around, and the entire family teleported into the picture book to cause mayhem.

The next morning was dull, cloudy, overcast. Peach arose from bed and rubbed her eyes. She suddenly felt a strange feeling, like something wasn't right. She changed out of her nightgown and into her favourite dress. Then she went over to her picture book. Odd, there was something missing from the title page...then Peach shook her head and looked again. "The Keepers, where have they gone?" She asked herself. She picked up the book and started flicking through the pages, all the illustrations she spent time and effort on were defaced with strange effects. The desert was covered in snow, the ocean was poisoned, the sky was black and filled with thunderbolts, absolute madness! "Who could have done such a thing!?" Peach said, dropping the picture book back on the table. Then she remembered something. Last night, she could vaguely hear footsteps, low whispering, and magic noises, and as if my magic, Peach realised that the only person menacing enough to do something so cruel was none other than... "Bowser!!" Peach yelled, her voice echoing through the castle. Toadsworth came into the room, concerned. "Princess, what is all this yelling about?" He demanded. "Toadsworth, look!" Peach showed him the things Bowser had done to her work. "Great heavens!" Toadsworth said, shocked by what he had seen. "How could Bowser do such a thing!?" Peach placed the book on the table again and looked down upon it. "I was supposed to get this published," Peach said. "This was meant to be something children, and maybe parents, could enjoy. And Bowser had to wreck all my hard work for his own selfish reasons." "I'll get the Mario brothers to sort this out-" "No, Toadsworth." Peach told him. "We can't disturb Mario or Luigi, I granted them a two-week vacation. After all, they need a break after saving me for nearly forty years." Toadsworth still wasn't sure about letting Peach go alone. "But Princess-" Peach stopped him. "Toadsworth," She began. "This is my work, I created this. And if there's one person who can salvage my work - it's me. Besides, it's been a hot minute since I had my own adventure." Toadsworth finally gave in. "Fine, and be careful, Princess." He said, leaving the room. Peach turned to her picture book, she folded her hands and closed her eyes. "I wish to go inside the picture book." She said to herself. In a flash of pink light, Peach teleported inside the picture book.

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