Navy vs. Stick City

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The word meant so much to King and Purple, it was a lifeline to them.

That's the one word that had kept them sane through the entire ordeal.

The feeling that one day, they'd be together without Navy's threatening plans looming over the horizon.

And as Navy's cyclone grew closer to them, the word meant much more than it had ever had.

Soon, Navy would be vanquished forever, then they could finally stay together.


Navy's cyclone tore apart houses left and right, and the citizens began taking frightened steps back. Sapphire, Scarlet, and Copper were following suit, leaving the Color Gang, Chosen, King, and Purple facing Navy, but wanting to follow the others in retreating.

Chosen sent fireballs flying from his palms and towards their opponent with such force, it blasted straight through it.

"Now what was that for, my hollow-headed hero?" Navy taunted playfully, only fueling Chosen's anger more.

"Cho, dial it down a little..." Second said meekly, beginning to take those frightened steps back. He'd seen Chosen angry before, but never like this.

And it scared the crap out of him.

"YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND, YOU BASTARD!" Chosen screamed angrily, tossing more and more fireballs at Navy. They continued going through the cyclone without even hitting the stick.

"We'll have to figure something else out. Chosen's never gonna hit the son of a bitch." Red muttered.

Yellow aimed the Command Block Staff at Navy and shot a chokehold command out of it. It somehow still didn't reach him.

"WHAT?! HOW?!" King exclaimed in shock. Yellow, being just as shocked as him, decided to toss TNT out of the staff and Blue lit it with a Flint and Steel.

This time, it did hit Navy, sending him flying backwards as they noticed the cyclone growing weaker.

"Yellow!" Purple cried out, excitement coating his voice. "TNT weakens the cyclone! Keep throwing it in there!"

Yellow tossed more and more TNT out of the staff until the cyclone had fully dissipated and Navy fell to the ground in the pile of rubble he had created.

The citizens were ecstatic. As were the others.

"WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT!" Green chanted happily. King and Purple breathed out huge sighs of relief.

It was over.

Until it wasn't.

Blue noticed the sky hadn't turned back to normal yet. It was still the deep, dark purple they had all grown accustomed to.

Only this time, when the sticks looked up, a light pink had taken over the purple color.

"What the hell?" Purple muttered. He suddenly noticed a familiar blue stick rising up into the air and his heart dropped.

"Oh shit."

"Not again!"

"What's with the forcefield?!"

Navy cackled evilly. "AND YOU REALLY THOUGHT YOU HAD DEFEATED ME?!" He bellowed.

Purple's heart dropped to the core of the Earth.

"Oh no." Chosen muttered.

Purple had to think fast. They had only one shot at stopping Navy, and if they blew it, they were screwed.

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