13. Always

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"Levy! Gajeel!" The two of us startled awake when someone burst into the guest bedroom.

"What is it?" Gajeel asked, already out of bed, meeting a wide-eyed Cana halfway across the room.

"Karyn had a dream about Waylen!" She exclaimed. "A succubus dream, not a normal one. She talked to him, and she knows where he is!"

At this, I was out of bed and reaching for my crutches. "Let's go."

"Hang on a minute, Shrimp," Gajeel frowned, "you can't go."

I turned and met him with a glare. "Don't you dare think I'm going to stay here while the rest of you go get my son from those bastards."

"He's my son too, Lev," he said, more gently now as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm going," I said, walking passed him to get to my dresser. I threw on a pair of grey leggings and a white tank top, then pulled on my boots, being careful with my injured leg.

Gajeel let out a long sigh as he got dressed, knowing better than to argue with me. Cana had agreed to meet us downstairs with the others, and then we would be on our way.

I rushed downstairs as soon as we were ready, and practically dragged Gajeel out the door. "We're wasting time!" I told him.

Chuckling to himself, he picked me up and let out his wings. With a hard push, we were in the air, flying in the direction Cana had told us to go. All this time, we were so close to him, I thought to myself, knowing the cliff Karyn had described to us. It was only about an hour flight from our house, and we had taken Waylen there to play when he was younger.

"You're shaking," Gajeel murmured, holding me more tightly against him.

I clutched my hands a little more tightly together, having not even realized I had been. "We were only an hour away from him," I said, meeting Gajeel's eyes. "He's been suffering for over two weeks, and all this time we were only an hour away from him." Despite myself, tears filled my eyes as guilt wound itself around my insides.

"I know how you feel," he sighed. "We've been out searching everywhere, and we passed that spot over a dozen times. They've put some kind of magic around it to divert our attention from it, so that's why we missed it."

"It's officially his birthday," I practically whispered, feeling myself begin to shake again, I hope we aren't too late."

"We won't be," Gajeel said, determination in his voice as he returned his gaze ahead of him and picking up a bit more speed.

By the time we reached the cliff, Gajeel was sweating from having exerted himself during the quick flight. "Are you alright?" I asked, leaning on my crutches as he placed me on the ground.

"I'll be better once we get Waylen and beat the hell out of that demon," he said, marching forward.

I went as fast as I could through the trees, able to smell the demons even with my human nose. When I heard a small whimper, I abandoned the crutches and took off as a run, knowing my fractured leg would probably break completely under the strain, but not caring about anything other than Waylen.

"Waylen!" I shouted, finally entering the clearing.

"Mom!" I nearly fell to the ground when I spotted him. The demon who had attacked me was holding him up by a chain attached to his wings. Blood was dripping from them as his weight pulled against the chains, ripping his wings even further. His face was bruised, his lip was busted, and his right eye had swollen completely shut and was a nasty yellow-purple color. His arms were also bruised, and my hands balled into painfully tight fists when I noticed they were shaped like that demon's fingers.

Catch Me If I Fall {Fairy Tail: GaLe AU}Where stories live. Discover now