5. Trump Card

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"Levy!" I heard the sound of Cana's fearful gasp as I arrived at our meeting place, a small inn back in Diu.

"She's alright," I reassured her, laying the still unconscious Levy down on our bed. "She used up all of her magic killing that damned Agramon, so she's exhausted. She'll be fine once she sleeps it off."

"An Agramon?" Laxus asked, frowning, "I thought you were going after goblins?"

"Another team-up," I told him.

"We encountered another one as well," Cana frowned, and I noticed her hair was falling loose of the braid she'd had it in and she had a small cut on her shoulder. "What the hell is going on? Why are they teaming up?"

"I don't know," I sighed, shaking my head. "But it can't be anything good. One of the goblins from our group got away, and I heard it mumbling something about telling master. I have no idea what it meant, but it disappeared before I could catch up to it. I had to go back for Levy, so there wasn't time to chase it all over India."

"A master?" Cana asked, her frown deepening. "So, there's something controlling these demons?"

"If there is, he must be a powerful bastard," I growled. "Only high-ranking demons have enough power to control large groups of demons like this, especially when some of the demons have been high-ranking themselves."

"We should be getting back home," Laxus said.

"We aren't going anywhere tonight," Cana said. "Levy needs to rest, and so do the rest of us. The flight home is a long one, so we all need to take tonight to recover. Besides, the kids were excited about spending the night with Lucy and Natsu."

He sighed, nodding. "Fine. We'll leave as soon as Levy wakes up, then."

"Good," Cana smiled, kissing him. "Now, how about we go to our room and take a nice, long shower?"

"Gross," I muttered, shaking my head as Cana laughed and dragged Laxus from the room. Once they were gone, I sat on the bed next to Levy, stroking her hair. The long side was in need of a trim-it was starting to fall slightly passed the top of her shoulder, and the short side nearly covered her ear. "Rest up, Levy."


I blinked my eyes slowly as sleep began fading away. I had one hell of a headache-no thanks to that Agramon causing me to use all of my magic-and my wings were sore. It had been a long time since I'd had to fly so far.

"Morning," I heard Gajeel chuckle, before his lips pressed against my cheek.

"Morning," I yawned, stretching my sore muscles. "How long was I out?"

"All night," he said. "Cana and Laxus went t go find us some breakfast, then we're going to head home. I was going to carry you until you woke up, but since you're already awake, I won't have to."

"That's right!" I gasped, suddenly remembering what I had learned from the Agramon. "I know why they're grouping up!"

"You do?" He asked, his eyes widening. "Why?"

"They," I sighed, "they were after us. They're Lucifer's followers."

"Shit," he cursed, "so that's what they goblin was talking about."

"What goblin?"

"One of the goblins got away yesterday. The sneaky bastard took off and I lost track of him. He was murmuring something about telling his master something he'd learned. I couldn't hear him all that great."

"Oh no," I groaned, jumping to my feet. "We need to go-now. We need to get home. I have to-"

"Slow down, Shrimp," Gajeel huffed, grabbing my arm as I made my way out the door. "What's going on?"

I met his eyes, and I knew by his expression he could see the fear in them. "They know about Waylen."

"The Agramon got inside your head," he said, suddenly understanding. "Shit! Why didn't I think about that yesterday?! I knew he had you trapped in a nightmare, but I didn't think about him being able to find out about Waylen. Damn it!"

"What's wrong?" Cana asked, approaching the two of us, standing in the doorway of our room still.

"I'll explain on the way," I said, running for the beach. Waylen!

As we took off into the air, I told them what had happened with the Agramon, how he had gone through my memories and found out about Waylen-how they were probably going to be after him now, instead of Gajeel and me.

"That bastard Lucifer doesn't know when to give up!" Cana growled, her hands clenched into fists and her tail whipping behind her like an angry cat's.

"So all of this was just to lure you two out so they could capture you?" Laxus asked, referring to all of the human attacks that had bene happening lately.

"Yeah," Gajeel sighed. "They knew if it got bad enough Mavis would send us out together to deal with them. That's what they were hoping for."

"Damn," Laxus snapped, "so we played right into their hands."

"And we gave them a fucking trump card," I said, hating myself for allowing the Agramon into my head. Now that they know about Waylen, I've put him in danger! Damn it!

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