Chapter 156 Purple Medal

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Zerg is an alien race that suddenly appeared on the outskirts of the Federation hundreds of years ago. They have a strong ability to devour and reproduce, as if they can devour everything except soil. Every time they devour a planet, they will breed more More Zerg, and then continue to expand outward.

  Federation scientists have discussed that these Zergs probably came after devouring a civilization in a distant galaxy, and they used space black holes to shuttle constantly in space in search of new food. Once it finds new food, it will stop and devour it until it is completely devoured.

  In recent years, the Federation has also captured a lot of Zerg research, but until now scientists have not been able to decipher the reproductive and digestive system of the Zerg. They only know that the reproductive period of the Zerg is very short and matures very quickly. As long as there is enough food, They can rapidly grow from a larva to an adult in a very short period of time. Chasing food is their instinct, as long as there is something they can eat in this star field, the Zerg will not leave.

Humans are desperate when they discover this, because it means that the Zerg will not leave by themselves. Only total extermination or a devastating blow to the Zerg can stop this catastrophe. But the Zergs are too powerful. With the Federation's current combat power, they can only defend. Sometimes, in order to delay the time, the Federation will voluntarily give up some planets for the Zergs to plunder, so as to prevent greater casualties.

  The raid plan formulated by the military is the Federation's first real counterattack against the Zerg. On weekdays, the ninth-level mech fighters must be stationed in their own star field to deter high-level Zerg. Although the Zerg's IQ is not high, they still have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Therefore, if there is no shortage of food, even a ninth-level Zerg will not easily attack a star field guarded by ninth-level mech fighters.

  The same is true for the Federation. Every ninth-level mecha fighter and every nine-level mecha is a priceless treasure of the Federation. If one is lost, one is missing. So if it is not a last resort, the ninth-level mecha will not be dispatched easily. But if the Federation doesn't make a move, it will be thunderous when it makes a move. The three major legions, all the top combat power, will launch a surprise attack at the same time.

  The federal fleet first carried out artillery attacks on the periphery of the planet, and continued to kill the low-level Zergs. When the death of the low-level Zergs reached a certain level, the ninth-level Zergs would be enraged, and once the ninth-level Zergs were enraged, they would attack from the inside of the planet. Fly out and unleash a psychic blast on the space fleet. And when it appeared, it was the time when the ninth-level mecha fighters made a surprise attack. The two ninth-level mechas had long been hidden in the void, and they only waited for the ninth-level Zerg to appear, and they all shot together, killing them with lightning speed.

  After the death of the ninth-level Zerg, the few remaining eighth-level Zerg are no match for the ninth-level mechs. When the eighth and ninth-level Zerg are all dead, the remaining low-level bugs will be nothing to worry about. The mech fighters of the Federation rushed towards the insect swarm like a hungry tiger on a sheep with Haoyue in their hands. They raised their knives one by one, killing heartily.

  This raid took a total of three months, and most of the time was spent on cleaning in the later stage. To take back the planet occupied by the Zerg, all the Zerg on it must be exterminated, even if it is one that has not yet hatched. Insect eggs cannot be let go.

  This time the battle was a complete victory, and the entire Federation was boiling over.

  The federal government rewarded the soldiers who participated in the raid for their merits, and ordinary people spontaneously expressed their admiration and love for the federal soldiers on the star network, but this time the protagonist soldiers were all grateful to another person in their hearts.

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