Chapter 104 Pillow Wind

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The battleship flew forward for a certain distance, and soon met three other mecha fighters who were left behind by Sheng Heng and Qiu Zian. After picking them up, the battleship galloped all the way back to the base.

  Sheng Zhuo and his younger brother hadn't seen each other for a long time, so after a few words of explanation, they handed over the soldiers who came back with the regiment to Qiu Zian, and left with Sheng Heng.

  "When did you come?" Sheng Zhuo had been fighting on the front line, and he didn't know that Sheng Heng had come.

  "A week ago." After the school holiday, Sheng Heng went home and came here directly after seeing his mother.

  "Have you seen your father?"

  "No, my father went to inspect other bases and hasn't come back yet." Sheng Heng shook his head.

  However, Admiral Sheng knew about his visit to the base. Without special approval, even as the son of an admiral, Sheng Heng was not allowed to enter or leave the military base at will.

  "Do you want to join the reconnaissance team or the patrol team?" Sheng Zhuo asked.

  "!!" Sheng Heng stopped abruptly, "Are you willing to let me go to the battlefield?"

  "It's just scouting and patrolling, the battlefield, you're still early." Sheng Zhuo smiled.

  In Sheng Heng's mind, Sheng Zhuo didn't know that he came all the way during the holidays to accumulate combat experience. It was the same when he was a child, even before Sheng Heng came into contact with the battlefield. When he was still in high school, he would come to the base to participate in simple battles during the winter and summer vacations. If it weren't for Sheng Heng's finger injury, he would be the same as himself.

  "Thank you, brother." This was really a pleasant surprise.

  "But once your mecha is damaged, you have to quit." Sheng Zhuo said again, "The black soul was modified by your...boyfriend, no one here can repair it." Speaking of his brother's boyfriend, Sheng

  Zhuo Feeling both heartbroken and joyful, it's really sour.

  "Okay." Sheng Heng agreed straight away. Anyway, the main purpose of his visit this time was to deliver the phantom potion to the elder brother. It was already a surprise to join the investigation team.

  The two brothers chatted for a while, and then went to the base cafeteria together. Sheng Zhuo had been fighting outside for more than half a month, and he had eaten nutrient solution for more than half a month. Every time he returned to the base, the first thing he did was to eat in the cafeteria. It wasn't just him. Not long after the two of them sat down, the soldiers who came back from a battleship just now also came over one after another.

  When these soldiers saw the two brothers, they would greet them warmly. Besides their regiment leader, they also had a good impression of Sheng Heng and the others. After all, they saw Sheng Heng driving a level 6 mech and killing a level 8 Zerg by himself just now. For this alone, there are not many sixth-level mech fighters in the base who can do it.


  Suddenly, Sheng Zhuo's optical brain terminal rang, Sheng Zhuo took a look and frowned.

  "What's wrong?" Sheng Heng asked concerned.

  "It's okay, the military medical office notified me to go for a routine checkup." Sheng Zhuo said.

  "Routine inspection? Brother, are you injured?" Sheng Heng asked nervously.

  "No, it's just a routine inspection." Seeing that Sheng Heng was worried, Sheng Zhuo explained a few more words, "Before the Zerg suddenly mutated and had a mental shock wave, we were unprepared, and many people were subjected to mental attacks. Although later They all took high-grade sedatives, but the pharmacists at the military medical office were afraid of hidden dangers, so they asked the soldiers with mental power level A and above in the base to go for a mental power-related examination every time they come back from a mission." Sheng Heng understood

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