Chapter 72 You Like Him

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When the spaceship landed, there was already a school bus from the Federal University waiting outside. The group boarded the school bus and returned to school in less than an hour. Sheng Heng sent Yan Hao to the door of the dormitory, and then went back to his own dormitory.

  "I'm back so soon, don't you want to have dinner with my elementary school brother?" In ten minutes, it was time for the cafeteria to open, and Cheng Wenkang thought that Sheng Heng would have dinner with Yan Hao before coming back.

  "He made an appointment with He Shao." Sheng Heng said.

  Cheng Wenkang let out a sigh, and sat cross-legged on the bed: "By the way, the team is the first this time, and the reward is a melee weapon."

  Sheng Heng glanced at him: "Here."

  "Thank you Brother Heng." Cheng Wenkang waited. This is the sentence, "When I was in the deserted star, I watched you manipulate the black soul to kill all directions in the swarm. I wish I could also have a melee weapon that can rush in and fight with you. Sure enough, fighting is more bloody in melee. "

  "Melee combat is passionate, but skill is more important." Sheng Heng reminded.

  "I know, I will practice hard, I'll go take a shower first." Cheng Wenkang responded with a smile, took his clothes and turned his head into the bathroom, and the sound of water came from inside after a while.

  Sheng Heng continued to pack his things, and halfway through packing, the optical computer terminal suddenly vibrated, indicating that there was an incoming communication.

  "Mom?" Sheng Heng quickly connected to the communication, and a palm-sized virtual image immediately popped up on the terminal, which was Sheng Heng's mother.

  "Sheng Heng, the assessment is over?" Mama Sheng looked at Sheng Heng outside the video gently.

  "Well, I just returned to school." Sheng Heng nodded.

  "Let me see your hands?" Mama Sheng said suddenly.

  Sheng Heng froze for a moment, glanced at his mother, but still put his right palm in front of the screen.

  "Did you really convert the black soul into a mimetic mecha?" Sheng Heng's hands were fair and slender, without a trace of scars, not to mention that he had just finished a seven-day actual combat assessment, even daily training, his hands shouldn't be so healthy .

  "Did it all reach you?" Sheng Heng guessed his mother's intention when his mother asked to see his hand. This time the desolate star, the fact that the black soul is a mimic mecha was exposed, and it will be a matter of time before it gets out.

  "You child, why didn't you tell me about such an important matter, and let me hear the news from others." Sheng's mother complained a little.

  "I originally wanted to tell you after this assessment is over, but you will know first." Although the black soul has been converted into a mimetic mecha, Sheng Heng doesn't know how powerful the black soul is, so he wants to wait this time After the assessment is over and the strength of the black soul has been tested, I will tell my family.

  "Why was the black soul suddenly converted into a mimic mecha? Who helped you modify it?" This was what Mama Sheng was concerned about.

  "My...partner." Before you catch up, let's be your partner first.

  "Partner? Are you partnered with an armor maker?" Sheng's mother was surprised.

  After Sheng Heng injured his hand, his family no longer approved of him becoming a mecha warrior. When he was very young, Sheng's mother planned a new path for her son, hoping that Sheng Heng would inherit the company she ran when he grew up. But Sheng Heng still prefers mechs. Even if his hands are injured, his fingers will be red, swollen and trembling after practice, and the pain is unbearable. He has to soak in medicine almost every day to fall asleep. But every time his hands recovered, Sheng Heng would persist in practicing. He persisted in this way for ten years. He endured the pain and spent much less time than others, and he was admitted to the Mecha Department of the Federal University by himself.

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