Gym ball (Three)

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Summary: he thinks you're practicing with a gym ball for a very specific situation
Warning: dirty talk

You sit on an exercise ball and bounce up and down. You just love to sit on it and work. Luckily you only need your laptop for that. So you can go on tour and support your boyfriend as much as you can, which he is happy about. All the driving from one city to the next can be really hard sometimes.

So you sit in the backstage area while the band looks at the venue filled with fans. Your laptop stands unfolded in front of you. Underneath you is the inflated ball.

You're often asked why you like to sit on it while working. And you answer the same every time. It is better than sitting on hard chairs. Besides, you have a better posture on the ball.

Right now you're circling your hips, pushing yourself back and forth on the ball. It's completely subconscious, you don't even think about the movements. You are just too focused on the small screen in front of you. So much that you don't even notice III entering the room.

His voice breaks the silence. "I don't have time until after the show." You flinch and close your eyes in shock. When you open them again, you lift your eyes to III. He seems to have snuck in and is now eyeing you up.

You frown. "What?"

"Aren't you getting ready for me?" He extends his arm and points to the exercise ball under your buttocks.

"No shut up!" You hold onto the table in front of you for balance, then you rise and take a few steps toward III. "Don't be so filthy!"

Finally, you stand in front of him. You raise your hand and go to lightly slap his arm, but he dodges. Slips under your arm (which is very impressive for his body size) and turns around. He wraps his arms around your waist from behind.

He leans down to your ear and whispers softly. "The offer stands."

Your hands grope for his. When you finally find them, you intertwine your fingers. You lean your back head against his chest. "You know I'll be exhausted from work later. And besides, you will be too." You twist in his arms. "You'll just want to be back in my arms later and sleep."

III looks at you, his height towers over you. "You know that's not true."

You tilt your head. "Honey, that's why I love you. You're my little koala baby.... well, big koala baby." You lift your hand to his nose and squeeze it.

His eyes track your movement. "So you don't want to accept my offer?"

You press your small body against his tall figure. Your answer is clear but also with a trace of pity. "No!"

His eyes look a little sad. But you know it wouldn't come to that later anyway. And he knows it too. As you said, he snuggles up to you and then falls asleep in your arms. And you are too exhausted because of your work. So why make promises that won't be kept anyway? From none of you.

"Then you've practiced for me completely in vain now." He says disappointedly, lowers his head and looks at the floor.

He's just too adorable. You suppress a smile and stand on your tiptoes.

"I guess I did then." You say and stretch your arms upward. You cup his face and pull him as close as you can. Your lips touch. III big hands roam over your arms, hips and finally your ass. He is about to deepen the kiss when you pull away. Only so far that your noses almost touch.

"I have to get back to work now." You pat his cheek and release yourself from his arms. He looks at you confused, but you don't let him stop you and eventually find your place on the gym ball.

You look at III who is staring at you. You grin cheekily at him and bounce up and down. Then focus back on your work.

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