Chapter Two: Beyond The Pillars She was. Motionless She Stood

Start from the beginning

Captain Calico Downing. What an honour my love. I love Pirates.

The sound of a young woman spoke, so softly, so Innocent. His body froze. Hair strands covering his sight, but it didn't bother him. He kept looking down on the boat, avoiding to look around. Arms stayed inside the boat. The moment he had the courage to start turning the boat around. His eyes went black, hypnotized. Then the voice spoke again;

This is not where a human belongs...Suffocating under the water, suffocating in life, drowning in your own sad truth you keep inside. All types of things watching you as you hold on to your last breath...Nobody is around you, that feeling where you don't know If hands or teeth or...or just your soul willing to desert you for the pity human you are! You gave your life away to desires that make you feel like you're wanted in this life, desires that make you feel happy... That feeling where you're about to die and you realize that there is no going back...That moment of death where you know you can drown in the place you like to call home, the life you choose to live safely...But you still open your mouth fully not to scream...But to ask forgiveness from your maker or whoever you care to believe in, that never even cared about you fully to even speak to you or show it or himself and all those sleepless nights you cry and ask for help, what a shame!... you think you're powerful? That you're strong? Nothing can scare you? You're an adult now! Walking around with self-esteem and confidence aren't you. Well let me ask you this...Can you? Can you imagine yourself dying a horrible death...Can you imagine yourself suffering? Can you imagine yourself screaming in agony for your lord to save your helpless soul? Can you imagine the faces of those that you love seeing blood coming out your mouth and not even caring? Can you feel it...That feeling of being watched, being stared at? That feeling on the back of your neck that makes you hair stand up, that makes your blood rush in your favourite vein, the vein that will give you all that hopeless power to runaway... That feeling of misery...How you die a meaningless death in a life where you tried to become a definition of something that matters... now your body is just another corpse waiting to be ripped apart and infested on by some insects that you used to stomp, now everything that was always smaller than you feels more powerful, what's wrong... feeling disturbed? As everybody that you know doesn't care for you... they all follow their own desires... Are you disturbed? Are you disturbed by the fact that you are not desired by anybody that you desired from the deepness of your sad heart... Are you disturbed to the idea of being unwanted by everything that you've given yourself too in life? Are you disturbed by the idea that your death and your birth are the same? Your death had more of an impact, since you felt something when you're about to die...but sadly when you were born you were already a walking corpse with neither heard nor seen pain. Watching everybody around you live their lives fully but you...You watch and watch how every face paints a smile...Not yours sadly...Yours is just to hide the pain away! But every time you try to feel happy life stabs you in the back! What a shame... Why do you care? Why do you fight? When you can end all of this misery by closing your eyes and knowing you won't see another night...Death scares you doesn't it...Pity but I can't blame you! That's human nature after all, you all live your lives trying to run away from death, but you try to hide it...How weak humans are! They live their lives running away from death but sadly none of them ever realized they were never alive. They made a god out of a man.

It won't stop, the voice won't stop talking...It sounds so high pitched I can't make out what it is. I'll kill this bastard when I see him, to hell with him and his daughter. She can rot with her husband. I'm getting closer to the ship and my eyes just stare at it. Silence...complete silence, I don't hear anybody on board! I need to find a way to get up there.

Maybe if I row to the back of the ship I can use the windows to climb them, it would be a shame if a pirate captain didn't know to get up a ship.

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