Reality Pt13

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                          "Reality always hurts !"s

This line hits me so hard. Because I can relate with it. When your loved ones start showing their real sides. Yes it's bitter truth): 

Same my family is hurting me this days. They were not listening to me at all. First time I felt alone due to my parents behaviour towards me. Did I done so wrong to them? Or i am the only culprits here? Looking at the society girls who were more bad then me doing wrong things everyday in front of their own parents but still they were living their life to the fullest. And the other side I was the one who was regretting what I had done. I was so sad. But my inner self was continuously telling me that I was much better then them. 

The time I realised your are parents and family members are the snakes which will emotionally kill you inside. I was all alone. Atleast now I was having a contact with aarav.

After few days , with my full guts and energy I called aarav at college to meet. He was assuring me "is it safe? " For you. I told him just meet up. 

He came after completing his college and we met each other. It was mesmerizing moment for me. I was feeling of get a tight hug from him. But it' could not be happn! 

We came near each other started talking, sitting in a college garden  many other students were there so no worries were around. I discussed everything with him. He was consoling me. he patted my hands with relief. He told me not to worry a lot. He was happy to see me. He grabbed my hands for the time I was with him. He wasn't ready to leave my hands.. 

I was having butterflies feeling. Even I was being shy. He told me you should anyhow delay the topic of your marriage as possible. Because I am not in position to talk with your parents. Right now I am job less and just studying. Even I don't what my parents will do after hearing this. If it's possible for you to delay atleast a year then it will be fruitful for us and for our future. I promise we will be happy together but not without your support. Got it!! Try to support to the end. Okay don't leave me in between. 

I just got little tears and told him" yes I will be together with him! " But who had seen the future!! So stressful for me. We talked for more then 2 hours sitting inside the campus. It was a rainy day and even the weather was perfect. At the end its time to be apart. He told me just don't be panic. Be safe and healthy. With that reliefing smile he touched my hands and he told me Bye! It's was hard for me to stop him because I have to also go home. But I really didn't like to go home in those days. Because the atmosphere of house was not good. He left ..

After few days, we were again tried calling each other on my friends phone. I called him before my college hours and even in my free time. I was happy now. We discussed every single things together. i always wait when I will be reaching college and I can able to talk to him. We met 3/4 times. I was not able to tell aarav about Mahesh and what kind of person he was. 

Mom started forcing me talk to him. Because he used to complain my mom about me and also about how I was ignoring him. Mom used to yelled at me. " How you could be so heartless, your parents are always right don't you get it! You never understand what we want for you. I am telling just behave you self. Listen what I say !" 

I was blank and looking at her. Whats wrong with this people?! Haan ! Am I only the culprit. Why they don't see how Mahesh is doing? ! Totally useless life I am having! 

Days were much stressful for me. Now we used see each other frequently in a month or two. Because it would affect my life as well. Aarav was left blank regarding me . As his birthday was a  about a month left. I was preparing what should I gift aarav this time or should I avoid. But as USUAL luck was not with me. The day before his birthday my exam holidays were about to start. Which means I won't able to go to college. 2nd was his birthday I met him on 31 st of the November. 

We spent the time for maximum 3hrs which felt like whole 1 day for me . He bought me chocolate and had great wishes together. We talked much about each other grabbing our hands. I felt like I will neve leave those hands. He was happy and had sense of even my happiness.  

   The moment and time you passed with your loved one it feels like it should never end.....

That moment I realised I was really with my true soul person to whom I can relate and even he was in the same situation the way I was. We can happiness between us . But our reality was hurting each other. After I went back home. The next day I was about to leave for village. I wasnt happy to go. Because everyone thier would discuss the same . And the same happen when I reach their. Because Mahesh's family members were related to my family members as well.

Everyone thier were happy when knowing about my marriage except me. 

Life was tough for me in the village as well. I was not able to contact aarav and I was not able to share with anyone. Things were now becaming more tough. After few days of my living in Village Mahesh also came to the village to meet his relative. He would always try to talk to me and I always refused too. 

Even thier also my uncle and aunt were requesting me to marry Mahesh . 

"What kind of influence he was having on others? 

Because he used to show himself as gentle person from outside but inner self was dirty like a shit ! Fuck idiots he was ! I feel like he was playing with me..on also with my parents...!

Keep reading!

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