Communication 12

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Communication 12: Errand Boy

"All fell to his handsomeness." The student flipped his page and continued to read aloud. "His arms toned from labor with light scarring, but not as if from excessive combat" another page flip. "In the rooms light, his lightly tanned skin was aglow...and tinged with red" another flip. "After the old man left...he spoke with a slight accent"

"Alright that's enough. Next is...Tadano" The teacher interrupted his students readings and pointed towards a student in the sea of desks.

"!" Tadano visibly jumped upon hearing his name being called before slowly standing up from his seat.

"Please pick up where the previous reader left off" The teacher gave his instructions and waited...and waited........and waited.

"..." Tadano stared his teacher dead in the eyes for what seemed like hours before the silence was finally broken.


Tadano was just too nervous to speak.


"HIYA TADANO!" Najimi walked in the classroom with a bag in hand and stood over Tadanos desk. "Wanna eat lunch together?"

"..." Tadano has started trembling.

"..." Najimi has started trembling.

"You're still not over it, are you" Komi asked with a small shake of her head.

"OH WHY IF IT ISNT KOMI! ARE YOU EATING ALONE?" Najimi pivoted on their foot and stared Komi down, an eery smile on their face.

"I'm eating wi-" Najimi cut her off

"Don't you know food tastes better when you eat with people? That's why I eat with my friends" Their face gained a gloomy shadow over it and Komi would be lying had she said she wasn't horrified.

"Too clo-" She was cut off again.

"You're such a pain. Would you like to join us? :)" Najimi pulled their face back and asked the question.

"N...No...I'm good" Komi was sweating bullets.

"TADANO! Why do you want to be friends? What do you think of Komi? What shampoo do you use? That looks amazing! Did you make it yourself? Do you want more friends? What are your likes, dislikes, and goals for the future? What music do you like?"

Tadano is overheating from the amount of questions.

"Tadano wants to make a hundred friends" Komi chimed in, trying to help her friend out with...her other friend. 'My life is weird'

"A hundred...why so few?" Najimi has an estimated 5,000,000 friends.

'I should've never told them' Komi thought to herself

"If that's the case then Tadanooooo" Najimi gained a glint in their eye.

'Najimi's plotting something' Komi glanced at Najimi suspiciously.

"I'm feeling kind of thirsty. Go to standbakes and buy me a medium nonfat milk pistachio deep mocha dip cream Frappuccino with chocolate sauce"

"!" Tadano looked wide eyed at Najimi before gaining a look of determination and standing to walk out the room.

"TADANO?! You're gonna do it?!" Tadano turned towards Komi and nodded his head at the question.

"Don't worry it isn't far" Najimi chimed in with a smile.

"THATS NOT THE ISSUE!" Komi shouted back.

"You don't understand Komi, this is for Tadanos own good. It hurts me far more than it hurts him. Okay, Tadano? I want a medium nonfat milk pistachio deep mocha dip cream Frappuccino with chocolate sauce"


"It'll be practice talking to people. It's not like I WANT that drink." Najimi smiled towards Komi

Komi could only look in disappointment.

"Stop loafing around and go with him! But on the sly!" Najimi started to push Komi out the room.

"Why aren't you going?!" Komi asked in protest but Najimi continued to push her out into the hallway.

"Actually, I'm dreadfully busy. I promised to eat lunch with three other groups."

"What is with you?!"

Communication 12 — The End.

(A/N: I really am sorry for going silent for so long. I wrote a brunt of this chapter prior to the breakup and decided that I at least owe you all this.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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