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Bonus Communication 1: It's Only Barging Into My Room Unannounced

Like most Saturdays, Tadano had nothing to do. Sure he has friends now but what if he calls them and they don't want to hang out?

Tadano sighed and started to roll around on his mattress which, in turn, caused the entirety of the bunk bed to shake.

"HITO! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP IN!" His sister yelled from the top bunk.

"S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s" Tadano tried but quickly stopped realizing the hopelessness. The room remained quiet for a few moments before a loud sigh echoed through the room followed by a thump. Tadano quickly sat up, peeled back the privacy curtain, and looked at his younger sister in curiosity.

"I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep and before you even bother don't apologize it's not your fault" The young girl reassured him. "Now come here for a moment" she added with a few pats on her lap. Tadano nodded and crawled out of the bed and into her lap while she began to stroke his hair. "Now tell me, what's the problem?" Hitomi asked with a smile. Tadano shot up, shocked at how easily his little sister had read him.

"I want to invite my friends but I can't," Tadano wrote and looked at the floor dejectedly. Hitomi only nodded, walked to the closet, and pulled out a small case before handing it to her brother.

"You haven't played in a while, maybe it can help you relax." She reasoned sensing the boy's confusion. Tadano smiled, grabbed the case, and opened it revealing his rosewood violin. As Tadano tuned the violin Hitomi discreetly snatched his phone and dashed to the bathroom, closing and locking the door. "Now what would his passwor- There isn't one..." Hitomi deadpanned. She opened the phone and headed to contacts...then proceeded to slam her head on the sink.

"Are you ok?!" Jeanne, her and her brother's mother, asked concernedly.

"YEAH!" Hitomi shouted in response. 'HE ONLY HAS FOUR CONTACTS?! ONE IF YOU EXCLUDE HIS FAMILY!' Hitomi screamed in her mind. She sighed and dialed the contact an all too familiar voice picking up. "Najimi! No time to talk. Get all of Tadano's friends down here to his house ASAP." After relaying her message, Hitomi immediately hung up the phone and headed back to the room. She discreetly placed the phone back down and sat down on her brother's bed, watching as he bowed a few strings. He then started to play and started with his favorite song, Minuet 2, and was soon lost in the music. Not even a minute later a knock was heard at the door and Hitomi quickly went to open it for the guests. "There's only two of you..." Hitomi muttered to herself.

"The rest are outside," Najimi said with an exhausted sigh. Najimi then stepped to the side and allowed for Hitomi to view the full magnitude of Tadano's "Friends".

"Jesus Chri- Just come in quietly" She instructed the crowd who followed excitedly. As they reached the siblings' room, Hitomi turned to face the crowd. "Be silent as a mouse and don't enter until I say so." The crowd nodded once more as Hitomi turned back around and slowly opened the door, allowing the crowd to see inside. And boy what a sight it was. Tadano faced the door, eyes closed slightly swaying to the new song he was playing, Canon In D, as his fingers seem to glide with as much ease and grace as his bow. The slight smell of rosewood paired with the slow and melodic feel of the song nearly brought some to tears. They stood and watched Tadano play the entire song and just as it ended the light seemed to envelop him entirely and give him an aura that warmed everyone in his presence.

"That...was beautiful" A voice in the crowd sobbed to themselves. Tadano's eyes immediately snapped open as he stared a the crowd with a heavy gaze. Then the shaking began. Tadano stared and shook for what felt like hours, but was really seconds until his little sister broke the silence.

"Surprise..." She said, trailing off at the end. Tadano's gaze immediately shifted to her as he waited for an explanation. "Well you said you wanted to have fun with your friends but obviously you were too afraid to call them so I did it for you, well Najimi did most of it but you get the gist" Tadano turned back towards the crowd and grabbed a notebook and pencil before writing.

"Sorry, you guys had to hear that. I know I'm not that good" He wrote, looking down at the ground dejectedly. The crowd immediately started shouting in protest of his words.



"Pretty sure he played piano tho" Nakanaka informed. As the crowd continued to applaud, a lone figure crouched in front of Tadano.

"You're playing was amazing Tadano-Kun. Have a little more faith in your abilities, ok?" Komi said with a small giggle due to her classmate's antics. Tadano only nodded and gave the girl a bright smile.

They were all then kicked out of the house for being too loud.

At Komi's house in the middle of the night, the girl was having trouble sleeping as she replayed the day's events in her mind. 'That smile and the way the light illuminated him...he looked like an angel...GHFXKJULGYFG'

Komi was unable to sleep that night.

Bonus Communication 1 — The End

(Idea by: Yxri_0 )

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