Communication 9

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Communication 9: Old Friends

During lunch Komi got similar responses resulting in a dejected Tadano and a teed off Komi.

'The hell is wrong with these guys?! Threatening my friend isn't gonna make me like them in any shape way or form!' She ranted to herself. She continued to brood about the way her friend had been treated before looking at the boy in question who was munching on an Onigiri he had brought for his lunch. Snapping out of her brooding for a quick moment she turned towards her friend and tapped his shoulder for his attention. "What flavor is that?" She asked. Tadano didn't respond instead he took out another Onigiri from his lunchbox and handed it to her with a small smile on his face. If she tried hard enough she could ignore the dried tear streaks on his cheeks. "Are they the same flavor" Komi asked curiously as she took the Onigiri from him. Tadano shook his head no in response causing Komi to giggle. "Then how will I know what flavor the one you have is?" She asked half jokingly. Tadano processed the question in his head for a moment before cat ears shot out of his head and his eyes gained a sparkle. His hands were a blur as they shot out towards her holding something for her to take. It was the Onigiri Tadano had just taken a bite out of. Komi took the food with a small thanks and raised it to her lips before stopping and realizing something. '...HETOOKABITEOUTOFTHISISITANINDIRECTKISSISHETRYINGTOSAYHELIKESME....NONONONONONONONONONONONONO!!! (He took a bite out of this. Is it an indirect kiss? Is he trying to say he likes me?... NoX10 give or take)' Komi looked at her friend with a blush and set the Onigiri down. "Uhhh I can't eat it..." Komi said shyly. Tadano looked shocked and pulled out his notebook from his bag, which has a sticker of Hitomi in the middle of the cover, and started to write.

"Why? Does it smell weird? Are you allergic to the ingredients?" Tadano wrote frantically as nervousness spread across his features.

"No no no. It's just that friends don't usually share stuff like that.." Komi responded. 'Why is my face so warm?'

"Like what?" Tadano wrote, his nervous features being replaced by those of curiosity.

"W-Well like mouth to mouth yknow?" Komi answered. She felt her face getting warmer.

Tadano tilted his head at the revelation as he was still confused. "Why not? It was my impression that friends share things all the time. Why is this manner so different from others?" He wrote.

Komi read it and pondered on how the hell she was supposed to explain this to him. "Well it's...errrr....uhmmmm actually never mind" Komi said with a rapid shake of her head an ever expanding blush. She picked up the Onigiri Tadano had taken a bite out of and raised it to her lips once more this time taking a small bite out of it. The Onigiri was amazing with a filling that she assumed to be grilled fish that had been shredded and soaked lightly in pickle juice and then miso before red beans were added in as well however it wasn't the taste she was focused on. 'His chapstick tastes like blueberries'. She noticed Tadano's hand moving again and soon enough he held out a thermos cap full of green tea and handed it to her to which she gladly accepted and started drinking out of. Then she realized it.... 'Wasnt Tadano drinking out of this earlier?.....WHSYGEHAHAHAGWYW' 3 seconds away from shutting down she spotted her childhood friend and had a great idea. She stood from her chair and walked over to a pink haired girl and tapped her shoulder. "Hey, Osana?"

"Hm? Oh. You really flubbed your introduction yesterday" The pink haired girl finally turned to face them, Tadano followed Komi out of fear of being alone along with a bit of curiosity, and gave a smile to Komi. "Anywho, whaddya need? How can your old friend Najimi Osana help you?...Oh Hi, Tadano" this caused the purple haired girl to look to her right and witness a sparkly eyed Tadano. Curiosity ever present on his face.

"This is Najimi Osana. She and I were classmates in junior high" Komi said with a smile as she held her hands infront of Najimi in an almost game show like fashion. "Wait, She? Osana why are you wearing a skirt?"

Najimi just smiled and did a 360 before looking back to Komi. "What're you talking about? Of course I'm a girl I mean I'm wearing a skirt arent I? What, did you think it was a kilt?"

Komi waved her hand aggressively and sweat dropped. "Your clothes aren't the point! In junior high you wore a boys uniform. Weren't you a boy then?!"

Najimi just waved her off with a smile. "Huh? You must've misunderstood. You're so clueless! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Komi just shook her head and rubbed her temples. 'I truly don't have time for their antics. Gender unknown, pathologically dishonest. They simply don't make sense but still...' Komi thought to herself as she looked at her childhood friend smile and hold at least fifteen conversations at once, something that captivated Tadano, before sighing. 'They've got one hell of an ability to communicate so it should be easy to get them to be Tadanos friend' Komi thought with a smile. "Osana, I have a favor to ask"

Najimi turned toward the two and grabbed their breasts(?) while staring at Komi lustfully. "Sure! Anything for my intimate friend! Shall I sate your lust with my body?" They asked Komi with glazed over eyes.

Komi stared at her friend for a few moments before responding. "Shh! Not infront of Tadano" The boy turned towards his friend in shock not moving a muscle. "That was just a joke!" Komi laughed nervously due to Tadano's gaze. Komi coughed and straightened her posture before speaking. "Osaka's weird but has a good heart. So go ahead and try what we practiced this morning" Komi instructed accompanied by an encouraging smile. Tadano just stared at the girl in confusion. 'Uh-Oh, he doesn't understand!' Komi thought to herself before walking up and whispering in his ear much to the ire of not only the vast Komi worshipping society but also to the small forming group of Tadano fan club members who seethed at Komi for getting so close. "Let's be friends" she silently reminded Tadano who then turned to the purple haired friend to be and stood.......and stood.................and stood.

"L....L-Let's bee-bee-bee-bee-bee-bee-bee-bee" Tadano stammered out.

Komi turned towards her friend once more and smiled at him. "Hey, that's better than this morning!"

Najimi watched the stammering boy with confusion and fear plastered on their face. "WHAT THE HECK?! SERIOUSLY! WHAT THE HECK?!"

Komi turned and smiled at her childhood friend before explaining. "He's trying to say, let's be friends...I think"

Najimi grabbed the tall girl by the arms and shook her. "ARE YOU SURE?!"

Komi pointed her finger at Tadano who was still trying to force the sentence out. "That was the favor. I want you to be Tadano-Kuns friend"

Najimi stayed silent for a few moments before crossing their arms and looking away, a gloom look on their face. "Sorry but um...Absolutely not"

Komi and Tadano were shocked at their words and as the latter teared up the former had a single thought on her mind.

'Jesus fucking Christ'

Communication 9 — The End

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