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This will take place between Rachel's disappearance and Max's arrive


"Ok so, would you rather be able to turn sand into water or air into sand?" I asked Warred while walking down the crowded school corridors, "wait, do I turn all air into sand" he questioned looking rather confused, "well if you did so, we would all die, so I guess not" I replied now re elaborating my own question, "and do I create salted or sweet water" he added. Playing would you rather with Warren always ended up feeling nerve-wracking, I swear it looked like he had to take the most important decision of his life every time. "ok, just answer the-"

Right before I could finish my sentence I felt someone bumping into me "Watch out freak" I turned around just to see none other than Nathan Prescott carelessly turning back around after his very kind words. I sighed knowing that there was no point in fighting back or pointing out the fact that he was the one bumping into me.

"I don't know how you manage to stay calm Lia, seriously" Warrens spoke after we were far enough for Nathan not to hear us.
"I think the fact that I'm here on a scholarship does enough, you know"
Arguing with someone who somehow had the power to potentially get me expelled didn't seem like the best idea in the slightest.

"Yeah well, gotta go to class, se ya later Lia!" Warren waved goodbye before entering the science classroom that he just happened to love so dearly.
I wouldn't really have described Warren as a close friend, lately, he had been one of the few people I hung out with, sure, it wasn't difficult to get along with him, and it was fun being around him, but there wasn't any kind of bond or fond feeling between us.

I continued walking down the hallway until I reached the photography class, the classrooms always radiated some kind of warm feeling, maybe it was the fact that it was always luminous and bright due to its placement in the school building, or maybe it was just the fact that it was often one of the students favorite classes, I mean, what would you expect for a school where the main subjects are art and photography? The class was louder than usual and everyone seemed to be almost agitated, some were talking, but the majority were whispering or at least talking quietly enough to not make people hear their so secret words.

I didn't pay much attention to it since there was always some new rumor that would be in everyone's mouth for a couple of days and then disappear just as fast as it started. I made my way to my seat that was next to Courtney's since the seat beside Victoria had been earned by Taylor at the start of the year. Despite her questionable friend group Courtney wasn't all that bad, it took a while for us before we even started to talk, probably because she didn't want Victoria to see that she was being somewhat friendly to someone who wasn't part of the Vortex club.

Turns out Courtney actually had quite a big interest in fashion and after Blackwell she aspired to work in the fashion industry.
Even though she never told me, it was quite obvious that she didn't really like hanging out with Victoria, some people said it was because Victoria treated her and Taylor like some kind of 'slaves', as for me, although I didn't really know their friendship dynamics, I just thought they were completely different people, Victoria was rich and she had always been used to people putting her on a pedestal, and that lead to her never really putting much effort into understanding what was going on in other people's life.

While on the other hand, Courtney and Taylor were two average girls that grew up in average families, with average aspirations that for the sake of being popular accepted to live behind Victoria's shadow. So it may not have been great for them, but as much of an asshole as she could be, Victoria wasn't evil either.

I sat down, "hey you know what's going on?" I asked Courtney now growing kinda curious, "she took a glance at the frenetic-looking class then she turned back to me "Rachel is going on". Those few words were enough to realize what was going on and send a shiver down my spine.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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