Titanomachia 1

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Juliana really should have just asked Florian to help her take down the titans. The lad had just cleared the Montenevara gym with a spectacular performance. The ghost-type rapper actually got Florian on the ropes by capitalizing on his critical misplay of terastalizing his krookodile into a dark type, removing its ground typing, when toxtricity was unveiled.

Still, he and his trusty pyroar triumphed, as they always do. They were practically an invincible duo, and nothing made that more apparent than what they were doing right now.

"Flamethrower!" called out Florian, immediately bringing the Lurking Steel Titan itself to a critical state, forcing it to dig underground and flee.

"What in the world are you feeding that thing?!" Juliana commented.

"Girafarig," Florian winked.

Soon the titan was downed once again, this time with Arven by their side. Although he didn't really do much considering Florian was there. Arven didn't mind at all however, only grateful that the titan was taken care of. Which led of course to their discovery of yet another herba mystica, and the creation of yet more of Arven's delectable sandwiches.

As the two had a victory snack, Juliana focused on cleaning her crocalor, leaving Arven and Florian to discuss by the table.

"So... are you asking my sister out any time soon or?"

Arven squeezes his sandwich into bits out of embarrassment, "it's not like that!" he whispered, "she's an underclassman, it'll feel weird."

"You're like two years older than her, that's hardly any difference. Also you like her."

"Two years is too much!" the upperclassman retorted.

"I didn't hear a no on the last part," Florian grins. Arven just places down his ruined sandwich and wipes his hands clean with a napkin. "There is no conceivable way I would be able to successfully ask her out."

"Oh come on man, it's not so hard," says Florian, "Ma already likes you, and I think you're pretty alright. You might as well, you know?"

"Mmmmhh..." Arven grunted, looking behind him to see Juliana with her back turned, still cleaning her crocalor. The upperclassman looks back at Florian, "what do I say?"

"I don't know, I didn't expect you to actually be willing to do it," Florian munched on his sandwich, earning a facepalm from Arven.

"Please, Florian, just-"

"Just ask her directly"

"What will that do? There's no finesse, no style, girls love that."

"It'll be funny, that's enough."

"Funny to who?"


Arven facepalms again.

"Oh don't get your boxers in a twist, Arven" Florian puts his sandwich down, "it's just a dance. Everybody is expected to have a date. Just say you need one and she'll gladly go with you. It's prime real estate we're talking about 'ere, and she's waiting to be bought. Why do you think she's trying to keep away from literally everybody else?"

"She is not a property to be bought," Arven glared, his tone deepening. Florian however doesn't flinch, "she's not a goddess either, yet here you are groveling. Just ask her, once they see who they're dealing with, they'll all start going away."

"But what if somebody challenges me to a duel?!"

"That's for marriage, this is a dance we're talking about. Chill out" Florian brings out his phone, getting a notification about a mass outbreak somewhere, "no one's going to want to take another man's girl, and if they are, they are no man."

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