𝟏𝟎: 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬

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The Lumenstone glowed in Y/N's hand as she trudged through the deep, dark depths of the Underground Chasm. Before she had gone deeper, a man by the name of Khedive handed her a letter written by a missing adventurer named Zhiqiong.

He had promised a large amount of mora as reward if she could find the adventurer in the Chasm. Y/N agreed, but not for the mora. The girl knew that the traveller was friends with Zhiqiong, and she wanted to find her. It's what he would've wanted.

The letter was tucked away safely in her bag, as she didn't want to loose it. Other than trying to find the lost adventurer, Y/N was also here for research.

She kept a journal solely for her findings in the Chasm. There were sketches of the different sights and strange mechanisms along with some notes.

Even with the map, it was easy to get lost in the Chasm's Underground with all the twists and turns. Still, she was determined. For knowledge, and for Zhiqiong.

After falling from a great height and landing on her feet, she reached the Nameless Ruins. She pulled out her journal and quickly sketched the inverted city that hang from the ceiling.

She entered the Ruins, careful not to slip and fall. Moss and leaves covered the walls, and strange, dark ooze could be found everywhere. Eventually, she reached the center of the Ruins.

A strange portal was there at the center, emitting a dark and mysterious energy. Curious, Y/N took a step closer, her hand reaching out. And as she touched it, the portal suddenly sucked her in.

Everything was dark, as if she were inside a void. Suddenly, a strange voice called out to her in a different language, but somehow, she understood it.

"Come, my child."

Her body moved on its own as it followed the direction of the voice. But it seemed like she was going nowhere.

Another portal appeared in front of her, causing the girl to stop in her tracks. A humanoid creature of black and blue stepped out of the portal, kneeling before the girl.

Soon, other portals opened up, with various creatures of the Abyss stepping out and kneeling before the girl.

"What in the world is going on--!?" She gasped, eyes widening in horror. She watched as the darkness crept up from her hand and consumed her entire being.

"W-wait, NO--!" She cried out, the darkness covering her vision. She couldn't see anything, but she could hear the voice speaking to her:

"All hail, the Princess of the Abyss!"


Y/N shot up immediately from her sleep, breathing heavily as she held her head. She had that nightmare again. The time where she ventured to the Chasm for research and to find the missing adventurer. She was in the Nameless Ruins when she found that portal and stepped in.

𝐄𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 || MHA x Genshin!reader ||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu