After a few hours they landed at the sight of the accident and they learned that their invisible attackers weren't invisible but it was caught by something else entirely– Gravitonium.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

The lab hummed with its low whir of machinery. Fitz, Jemma and Skye were in deep discussion about their new foundings.

"Which causes these, ehm," Fitz trailed off and turned towards the screen and motioned towards it to show Skye as best as he could. "wiggly bits here, but when an electric current is applied, the Gravitonium solidifies. And those gravity fields erupt, randomly changing the rules of gravity around it." He turned back to Skye, leaning against the desk with his palms. "Well, so, now you can imagine what would happen to a big rig at 100 kilometers per hour. Or, uh, well, you could just remember, 'cause we saw it already, didn't we?" Fitz chuckled.

"Yeah, and guess which genius published every theory about Gravitonium and possible applications ... years ago?" Jemma caught in and sat back on her chair. Behind her the doors to the lab opened with a gentle woosh. Nova's boots echoed through the lab. She was holding her laptop in her arms.

"Dr. Franklin Hall." Skye said in understanding, the pieces fell together perfectly in her mind.

"Correct. And Dr. Hall attended the University of Cambridge at the same time as Ian Quinn." Nova said, announcing her arrival. All eyes turned toward the entrance as Nova stepped in, her presence commanding attention. She stood tall, her gaze steady, radiating an air of confidence.

She dropped her laptop on the desk where Skye was sitting and took a seat next to her.

Skye looked at Nova for a second, her eyes following her movements when she opened her laptop. She scoffed in amusement and shook her head.

"I hear you, it's just.." The brunette trailed off for a second and turned to both Fitz-Simmons and then back to Nova. "Coulson may be off about this. Quinn is a notoriously good guy. His charity endowment's something like $8 billion."

Nova chuckled at her words but her attention was on her laptop screen. She turned her laptop towards Skye so she could read what it said. It was research about Ian Quinn and his activities on the earth's soil and all the properties he owned and how he had used it.

"8 billion dollars invested into charities with money made from leeching the earth of its resources." Nova said and scoffed in disbelief. Rich people

"Well, looks like he dug up another." Jemma said.
The door of the lab opened once more to reveal May.

"Let's go guys, briefing room. Coulson requested an emergency brief."

With no discussion the four made their way upstairs to the briefing area in the bus. When they got upstairs Coulson and Ward seemed to be in a heavy discussion already. They all stepped around the holo table in the room. It still felt a little invasive for Nova to stand with the team as a SHIELD agent. She looked behind her and saw Skye take a place in the corner of the room, seemingly thinking the same thing. She took a step back and stood next to Skye who flashed her a small smile.

When Coulson realised everyone gathered he turned his attention to everyone. He caught both Nova and Skye from the corner of the room and shot them a confused look that only lasted a second as he explained why they were gathered.

"Dr Hall is a prisoner at Quinn's compound in Malta, and its up to us to get him out."

"We've checked the specs. There's no way into Quinn's compound without a large S.H.I.E.L.D. strike force or a man inside. He's got neodymium laser fencing surrounding the property." Ward was determined, Nova noticed it in the way he was standing. Coulson may be the leader of the team but it was clear that Ward tried to create a form of dominance in the way he presented himself.

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