Trouble at Union station

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Union Station had turned into chaos. Mike Peterson turned out to be the enhanced individual that had saved the doctor. However, after some research from the team- together with their new acquaintance Skye who is a member of The Rising Tide- they figured out what the cause of the explosions were. It was the centipede serum.

And Mike Peterson was full of it.

Fitz-Simmons had the job to find a way and let this situation go well, in a way the team plus everyone in the station would not blow up, in the mean time they had to find a way to calm Mike down as best as they could. Coulson was slowly approaching the man, Nova and Skye watched from the back. She watched how Coulson laid down his weapon, in a way to offer peace. Nova glanced upwards and spotted Ward with his rifle- going against what Coulson tried to show Mike.

"Think that means anything?" He caught the eyes of Nova, who glanced upwards to where Ward was situated. He saw the rifle and knew he was under gunpoint. "I know you got men everywhere waiting to put me down." Mike said, looking back at Coulson.

"I know how this plays out." He adds.

"I don't." Coulson starts, moving closer to the man. Nova watched the pair closely, seeing how Mike physically got angrier by the second. "I know you got poison in your system. I know it's burning you up. Mike, the last guy who wore that exploded."

"I am not like that other guy!" Mike walked towards Coulson, pushing him straight to the ground. His strength was too much for the agent to fight back. A gunshot was heard and it missed Mike's head by an inch. Mike looked up to where Ward was, the raven haired man was ready to take a second shot until Coulson yelled out.

"Don't shoot! Stand down agent Ward."

Nova watched in anticipation, Ward backed down but she noticed the doubt in his face. Coulson tried to stand up but she saw he was hurt. Something in her there told her it was going to be fine, Mike just needed the proper words.

The detective walked up to the two men, her hands up in surrender just in case. They both looked at her and Nova ignored the slight pull from behind when Skye tried to stop her from walking towards the duo.

"Mike, think about Ace." She said to him with a soft smile.

The mention of the mans son seemed to spike an interest in him.

" I know you're strong. Your boy knows it, but he needs you to let us help. Let SHIELD help you, Mike." She continued.

Mike seemed to calm down a little bit. His furrowed brows however told her he was still angry. He walked to the broken kiosk in the station, breaking a piece apart from anger.

"You don't know what it's like!" He pointed at Nova with the piece of wood, rage was evident on his face. "I had to work my ass off day and night to make a life for my boy, and then New York happens, and guess what? They take away my job, and my life! That is what SHIELD is! They are no heroes, they step on us to make themselves stand out. But I matter, and my boy matters and I'm sick of being stepped on."

Mike threw away the piece of wood, it fell right before Nova's feet, but she didn't back down. She got what she needed from him. She knew his angle now, what the source of his anger was. It was her job to understand people and she definitely understood Mr Peterson now.

"Trust me Mike, no one here will understand you more than I will." Nova took the silence from Mike as a sign to walk closer a bit. "But there are good people at SHIELD, Mike. But the good ones, the real deal, they're not heroes because of what they have that we don't. It's what they do with it. You're right, Mike. It matters who you are."

"I could, you know? Be a hero." He gave her a smile, something glistened in his eyes. She smiled at him and nodded.

"Hell yes, you could." She let out a chuckle of relief as he smiled at her. Mike starts to walk forward towards Nova but a sudden bang cuts his action short- a bullet had hit him right in the forehead. Nova's eyes widened in shock and she almost fell backwards, a hand stopped her from falling. She looked behind her and saw Coulson standing there, his eyes mirrored an expression like hers. Her head shot upwards to the place Ward had shot from. But when she saw Fitz standing there with his thumb up, sending the team a reassuring smile her heartbeat calmed down slowly. She smiled back and she saw him wink her way. She looked at Mike, Jemma had ran past her in hurry and she checked his vitals.

He was going to be okay.


"I can't believe you guys found a solution in that short of a time." Nova said in awe.

Fitz-Simmons, Ward, and Nova had returned to the Bus when their mission at Union station had been a success. Coulson and Skye took it upon themselves to bring Ace to his aunt while May brought Mike to one of SHIELD's headquarters. Nova was sure Coulson was going to ask Skye something today that could let her to stick around a little longer, she knew him well enough. She didn't tell the rest yet- hoping Skye could tell them herself. In the meantime the rest of the team was sharing some drinks and take-out they had gotten on the way back. Fitz had suggested to get some and Nova was grateful, the adrenaline ran out of her system a while ago and she was starving.

"Well that was nothing like how you talked down Mike! You just stood there like a total badass." Fitz said with an exciting grin.

Nova's cheeks flushed at his compliment. She looked down towards her food, fidgeting with her food a little, biting her lip to prevent herself from grinning.

"Thank you, Fitz."

She heard some noise from outside, the cargo hold door opened slowly with a hiss and she knew who had come back. After the team in the bus found out about an 0-8-4 sighting from SHIELD they had called Coulson back to base, knowing this would be a new mission.

"Oh you wouldn't believe it!" Jemma walked back towards the three, a new beer in hand, the previous one already causing the Brit to be a little tipsy. "Coulson just came in with Lola- flying!"

"He what now?" Ward asked in disbelief.

Nova laughed at his reaction before she turned back to her new friend.

"I bet he brought along a certain someone?"

"How did you-" Jemma's words caught short when two voices were heard from the entrance of the living area. Coulson came in and an excited looking Skye followed after him.

"Well,well, look what the cat brought in"Nova chuckled in her beer bottle, taking a small sip.

"Hey guys," Skye smiled at the team that had gathered. "Guess you have to do a little more to get rid of me"

"Oh don't worry, we got plenty ideas." Ward said bitterly, although there was a hint of teasing behind it.

Loud steps came from the entrance not long after, Melinda May stepped into the room and glanced at the team. They all looked at her, waiting for her to join them.

"What are you guys doing? Wheels up in five." She walked past the group, not sparing them a glance as she made her way to what Nova presumed to be the cockpit.

"Well then," Coulson turned back to Skye. "Let's get you back to your van, and let's talk about what time you're here tomorrow yea?" The pair walked back towards the exit, Skye grabbing her bag before leaving.

Fitz turned to the three others, confusion evident on his face.

"Do you- Why is she coming back?" He looked in between Jemma and Ward for a second before his eyes landed on Nova who was already smirking. "You know something. Why do you always know everything, and what is it?" Fitz was getting really curious now.

"Well, it is my job you know." Nova chuckled. "And let's just say that we're probably gonna see more of Skye here on board." 

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