"No!" America sits straighter in his chair, coughing awkwardly, "No, of course I can. It's just weird."

"How is it weird? A lot of people drink black coffee."

"Do they...?"

"Yeah?" You state, shaking your head in disbelief, "Anyways. If you don't need anything else. Do you mind?"

"Mind what?"

"Leaving." You hum, taking another sip of your coffee, "You still don't live here. I'll come by the office in a bit."

"I pay your rent. You can't just kick me out."

"I could pay my own rent if I had to."

"Could you?"

"I mean- I probably could." You mumble taking another sip from your mug, "What's rent here anyways?"

"Way more than your pay grade."

You breathe into your coffee cup. This man...

"Hurry up and finish with that. I need your help with things before we head to the office."

"What am I? Your personal assistant?"

"That is your job title, yes."

As he speaks you begin coughing fervently. Just your luck. You wake up late and now you're choking on coffee.

"Since when?" You mumble, wiping spit that had dribbled onto your lower chin.

"It's been that way since you started." America rolls his eyes, "Guess I should have expected you to be careless enough to not read the contract."

"I did read the contract! I just-" In reality, you only skimmed the contract you had been handed. But you read the important parts, so that has to count towards something.

"Missed that part?"

"Yeah..." You respond in a mumble, returning to stare at your almost empty mug. America sighs loudly. "What exactly are you wanting me to do?"

"You just need to follow me around for the most part. Maybe take notes if they let you into the meetings I have to go to."

"So I'm coming along and you don't even know if I'm going to be let in?" You sigh loudly, leaning into the back of your chair again, "What kind of meetings are these even?"

"Just with some other firms. Logistics things." America leans forwards in his chair, "Though, there is one with D.C. later today. That one  won't take long"


"Yeah..." America's expression shifts to one of concern momentarily, before returning to his regular disinterest, "He's a good kid. A lot to deal with sometimes. Way too straight-laced."

You laugh, "That's surprising."

"Is it?" America shoots a glare at you. You hold a smirk on your face.

"You kidnapped me. You are the least moral person I have ever met."

"Whatever." You watch as America stands from his chair with an amused expression, "Just hurry up. I'll be waiting for you outside." He picks up a briefcase from under the table and exits the room without another word.

"Fine, fine." You stand from your own chair, turning to head to the bedroom.

Entering the room, you shut the door behind you. You hum as you glance around the empty space, looking for the clothes that you had discarded the night prior. You really should get a few more outfits... You cannot keep up with doing laundry every other day to make sure your clothes don't reek when you need to wear them.

Unpromised HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora