39 - Rivalry Out in the Open

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"And what if I do?" Bakugou finally admitted through gritted teeth. "What if I fucking care about her? So what? It doesn't change anything. I'm not some goddamn pushover who's gonna dote on her like a lovesick puppy - that's not me, but even so, it's none of your damn business!"

Todoroki sighed, his voice calm but resolute - and yet, a fire burned in his eyes. "Just be honest with yourself about how you feel. I'm not going to tell anyone, if that's what you fear." Todoroki stared at him hard, his gaze unwavering, "and it is my business. Y/N is my friend - and like you, I have feelings for her too," he said bluntly, voicing out what neither of them dared to before.

Bakugou's anger flared, his fists clenching tightly at his sides. The admission struck him like a blow, fueling the fire of his frustration. How dare that bastard confess his feelings for Y/N so boldly?

"You think you understand me? You think you know what I feel for her?" Bakugou's voice rose, filled with pent-up anger, his feelings pouring out of him despite the fact that he vowed to hold them back. "You have no fucking idea, and I don't need to waste my breath explaining myself to you, you bastard."

Todoroki frowned at him. "You're right. I may not fully understand your feelings, but I do understand what it's like to care deeply for Y/N. I know she's important to both of us, and that's why I'm not going to give up on her. I'll do anything to make things right."

Bakugou scoffed, his anger still simmering beneath the surface, "The only way you could make things right is if you stop pretending this is anything but selfishness - you're here because you want her - not for her sake. Because if it was for her, you'd fuck off from her life once and for all."

Todoroki's voice remained calm, but a hint of frustration crept in. "I'm here because she wants me here. I care more about her well-being than my own desires - and say what you will about me, but that has always been true - can you say the same?"

The words hung heavy in the air, a challenge issued between them. Bakugou's anger battled against his own conscience, torn between his jealousy and his genuine concern for Y/N. He knew that bastard was right. Y/N's well-being had to come first, even if it meant putting his own feelings and desires on hold. That was one thing they could agree on, at least.

But that didn't make his hate towards Todoroki at this moment burn any less bright.

"Don't fucking talk down to me, you fucking bastard," Bakugou growled through gritted teeth, trying to cool down, "You're always so damn calm, aren't you? You think you have all the answers?"

"And you're always so explosive," Todoroki shot back, "Enough, Bakugou. You may not like me, and I know it's difficult, but we have to set our personal feelings aside for her sake."

Bakugou's anger boiled over, and he couldn't hold back any longer. "You think you're so damn perfect, don't you? The prodigy with the perfect quirk, the perfect family," he spat, knowing full well it wasn't true but wanting to do as much damage to Todoroki as possible, "and now you want to swoop in and sweep Y/N off her feet too?"

Todoroki's eyes hardened, his own emotions showing through his calm exterior. "I can't even begin to tell you how wrong you are."

Bakugou scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping him. "Cry me a fucking river - I can see right through you."

Todoroki's voice grew firm, the frustration finally showing through. "Bakugou. I won't apologize for my past, because I know I don't deserve to be forgiven. But I am trying to be better, to change. For Y/N's sake. Because there's nothing more important than her. And I know you feel that too, and it doesn't matter how much you deny it - I know."

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