Chapter 3 - Femanism

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Sorry it took so long got crappy wrist which makes it hurt to move them sometimes and they've been a pain. Sorry again.


As you walk down the dark oak stairs, you enter a spacious room with 4 men doing their own things.

One man with a small burst of green hair was sat at the dining table colouring in fish and drinking apple juice, another with blue hair that looks swirly sitting on one of the sofas looking through files on potential hits and a buzzed grey hair man smoking a cigarette sitting in a leather chair.

The purple haired man from before looking over his strange looking computer. He pipes up saying "Ah there's my Tesoro (sweet heart). How did it go with Risotto?". You sit on the sofa next to the man. "Good, I mean I'm still alive if that has any importance. The names Y/N, by the way.
"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. My name is Melone, and this angry prick's name is Ghiaccio, him at the ta-". "DON'T CALL A ME PRICK YOU SADISTC FUCK!" Ghiaccio abruptly shouts as he looks up from the files that are now scattered over the floor, Pesci jumps knocking over his glass of apple juice over his fish colouring making him cry.
"Way to go, Ghia, you made Pesci cry. Oh, that's the man at the table Y/N," Melone replies sin a calm tone. You look over at Pesci, who is hysterics as he repeats, "My fish..." Under his breath.

As you stand up to help him, he looks at you scared "Um you need any help?" You mutter, looking down on the man as he sits down.
"N-No, it's ok." he finally looks at you with a slight smile. "Ha look at him finally getting bitches. However, I have to admit she is a looker"

Formaggio wolf whistles and winks at you whilst insulting Pesci. This makes Pesci start to play with his fingers as he sniffles, you pass him a tissue before giving Formaggio the death stare through your eyebrows.

"What's your name pervert?" You say in a sly voice.
"Names, Formaggio darling. You might want to remember that when you're screaming it under me." He replies, smirking.

"Enough Formaggio, do not insult our new Ally." Risotto says, walking down the stairs looking at Formaggio and then looking towards Ghiaccio. "You got that information on Johnson?" Ghiaccio nods.
"Yes, Risotto. 28, male, no family, traitor to Passione, No stand as far as I can see just waiting on that dimwit for his genetics." Ghiaccio replies, pointing at Melone.
"Nothing apart from haemochromatosis room. which is an increasingly high amount iron in his blood.
"Hey Ris, that's perfect for you then." Melone laughs as he adds to the report. Risotto nods. "Right, I'll be back.

Illuso and Prosciutto should be back as well soon." As he leaves, Ghiaccio collects the papers that had fallen onto the floor as Pesci gets a tea towel to clean up the apple juice that had spilt prior to the quote on quote, accident.

You sit down on the sofa again next to Melone, looking at the weird purple laptop. "So you're a stand user too, hmm? I won't pry. However, do you mind if I ask a few questions?" Melone looks at you pleading.
"Sure," you reply warily. "Pfff you want to get into that breeding kink of a stand?" Formaggio interrupts laughing, which makes Melone look down ashamed.
"I'm not going to use it on her fuck sake, Formaggio." Melone mumbles which in return makes you tilt your head in curiosity.

"What does it do? Your stand." You question.
"It's name is Baby Face. I basically use a biological catalyst such as a woman's womb to well summon itself to fight. I promise I will never use it on a team member." He replies swiftly.

"As long as you don't use me, I still don't mind, so ask away." You reply with a sincere smile.
"Um, okay. How old are you?" He asks, surprised at your willingness as he smiled with glee.
"19." you say, smiling back. He types in the information in.
"Any terminal illnesses or mental illnesses. Now, if it's a sensitive topic, you can say," he replies nervously, licking his bottom lip.
"No illnesses. Mental hmm antisocial personality disorder is the main one." You reply as you slowly get quieter as you do.
"Whoa, we have a real psycho on our hands. I thought you were a little child in a mans world. Come on, what sick shit did you do, then kill small animals like Jeffery Dahmer?" Formaggio laughs.
"Jeez what is making you be a dickhead today maggio. I'm sorry Y/N he usual isn't so mean." Melone apologies though typing the information again.

"No, it's okay. I tortured a friend to study their facial expression of pain. I was caught in 1998 after 24 days. After I was admitted to Rome Psychiatric Asylum at the age of 16, where I stayed there for the last 3 years till this morning where some man called Doppio, broke me out, and now I'm here." You say whilst leaning on your arm, which is propped against the sofa. "Why you do that?" Pesci stutters as he sits on the leather chair in the corner.
"Hell knows never got emotions as a kid, so I wanted to study what stimuli caused reactions. For example, pain makes someone's muscles tense, whereas in a scared state such as yourself, your eyes dart around, and you're more skittish to your surroundings." You say looking at Pesci, who shudders, Melone swiftly starts typing all the information so far.

"Well, that was ... deep. One last question: What's your blood type?" He looks at you sincerely giving you a smile.
"AB+. I'm technically a walking blood bank, " trying to lighten the mood.
"Damn, you really are. Might come in handy in the future." He looks surprised.

Abruptly, the door swings open, and 2 more men walk in. One is a tall, fancy looking blonde and the other a stocky man with multiple pig tails. "Who's the chick?" The blond fellow asks. Before you could reply, Formaggio interrupts, "This psycho is
Y/N. Keep ya balls away from her," he laughs. You send another death glare hus way due to the fact you were fed up with his sly comments.

"Okay, I'm getting a whiskey. D'you want one doll?" He asks. You nod, standing up and following him into the kitchen and sitting at the counter. Formaggio follows sitting next to you.

As Prosciutto passes you the glass as you sip the strong, you suddenly crush the glass in your hands and shallow the broken glass into Formaggio's leg. As he screams in pain you whisper "Don't fucking underestimate me cause I haven't got a dick. You don't know how insane I can be." You watch as he falls to the ground, gripping his leg glaring daggers at you. Prosciutto starts laughing hysterically as he grabs your wrist and puts your hand under the water. "I have to admit you've got balls. You'll fit right in." He smirks, cleaning your hand and taking the bits of glass in your hand.

Illuso walks in, looking at Formaggio, who's still whining, and Prosciutto cleaning your hand. "Yeah, not going to question what happened, but I'm a feminist so you go, girl." He replies, passing the med kit to you.

"Better clean up before Risotto gets here. Melone filled me in on his whereabouts. "You need help." He says, kicking Formaggio's injured leg, making him scream more. "You prick.." He whispers to Illuso.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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