Chapter 3

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Only a day would pass until Itto would wake up again.
The oni opens his eyes still seeming relatively tired because his body still needs some more rest while his mind is already well rested which is why he woke up just now.
His eyes shift to Gorou who is kneeled besides the bed havibg his arms resting on the bed yet Itto did not and will not allow Gorou to sleep while he is sitting on the floor.
Despite being weaker then usual he is able to lift Gorou onto the bed with ease and he lays his lover besides him pressing a kiss ontop of his head between his ears, wraps his arms fully around the other and closes his eyes for a moment resting his chin now ontop of Gorou his head and thus Itto would succumb to sleep once more as they would hold one another in their sleep.

Thoma had heard the news of his friend falling down and laying at the doctor's place to rest and as he rushes into the backroom with Ayato who was following close behind Thoma remaining silent and still seems very displeased with Thoma running away from him to go to Mondstadt essentially.
"H-how is he?" Thoma asks concerned.

Baizhu sitting behind his desk finishing up writing some prescriptions looks up at Thoma and Ayato "He just needs some rest as for Gorou I figured out what the complications of his birth were" Baizhu spoke and stands up to replace the cold cloth on Itto his forehead for a new cold cloth..

"And?" Thoma nervously acts like he is their mother or something yet it is very valid who he is concerned as Itto could have passed yesterday and Gorou could have died back then; not to mention he and Gorou grew quite close as they consider eachother friends now.

"I cannot tell you"

"A doctor who remains loyal to his clients. That rarely occurs these days...loyalty..." he glances at Thoma when he said that and oh-...was Ayato mad...

Thoma doesn't know wether to cry or he most definitely wanted to cry as he facepalms "Ayato I wanted a vacation and I told you I would be leaving soon anyways-..."

Ayato glares at the blonde.
In truth he was scared Thoma would never return so he walks over to the other and stands close to him "they plan to head to Mondstadt as are we. Will they be able to stay there for a few days or does Itto have to recover long?"

"No, technically he can leave now but they are resting so I will let them be-..." Baizhu watches Ayato walk to the bed and flicks his middlefinger against Itto his forehead as it causes Baizhu to cross his arms letting out a deep sigh.

If Changsheng could roll her eyes she would...
(Snakes don't have eyelids so it goes a little hard XD)
"Utterly ungrateful! We are taking care of your friend. Let him rest!" The snake hisses out.

"I- I apologise! Im sorry for him amd his behavior!" Thoma says in a panick apologising for what Ayato has done as he didnt want to disrespect the doctor and

Itto feels the flick against his forehead and opens his eyes and while Ayato is looking at Thoma and not paying attention he goes to flicks Ayato his wrist back but the blue haired man grabs his hand and twists it making Itto hiss in Pain "AH! ththth!-...okay you win! argh! You win, you win!" As Ayato lets his hand go Itto takes a deep breath playing it off with a chuckle before he watches Gorou open his eyes and now his attention was fully on the general. "Hello my love" Itto whispers.

Gorou blushes and smiles up at him "how do you feel?"

"Much beter now that I see you"

"Disgusting" Changsheng says wishing she truely could roll her eyes...

Baizhu chuckles softly and sits back behind his desk. "Changshen please let them be. Please gentleman. I suggest you to leave as I must discuss things with my patients" seeing Thoma and Ayato leave and seeing Gorou and Itto sit down before him at the desk he takes out some papers "Changsheng checked your blood Gorou and you are perfect healthy and capable of having a child if you do so desire. There is nothing wrong with your reproductive system but where it went wrong is that you perhaps had a lot of stress in the early stage of your pregnancy and even fought and trained while you were pregnant meaning you were doing activities no pregnant person should do-... If you don't do those activities you won't go into early labor and thus you have a higher chance of survival and you won't bleed or atleast not as much till the point it looks like a miscarriage."

Divided  [Itto x Gorou(trans)]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant