Chapter 2

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Arriving in Liyue they walk of the ship yet when they do so they see Ayato standing there not seeming pleased. All of them are shocked. How can he get here earlier then them?
Thoma hides behind Itto using him as a shield scared he will be in trouble and trouble he was in indeed as he gets dragged away by the head of the Kamisato clan.
Itto wraps his arm around gorou and smiles down at him "Should we get a wheelchair for Thoma?"

"Erm-...what...will the commissioner do to him?" Gorou nervously asks but seeing Itto shrug and not know himself he thinks it might be torture or something so he swallows thickly "should we safe him? did the commissioner get here quicker then us? It is scary"

The man furrows his brows looking down at the other before he would take both of his hands "are you scared of him?"

"Yes...I mean no! I am scared of what will happen to Thoma..." Gorou explains to Itto holding back his hands but Gorou almost jumps in Itto his arms when he feels somebody touch his tail so he grips on tightly onto Itto his arms as both men look down at a child. Gorou sighs softly knowing he cannot argue with a child. Itto on the other hand-

The man always got furious when somebody made his love uncomfortable.
He always grows so protective over Gorou even now "listen here little kid. Obviously he does not like to be touched and not only that it is rude to touch strangers!" He spoke and lets out a huff seeing the little girl tilt her head looking up at them. "Don't look at me like that! You will make me feel pity!"

Gorou notices something and lets go of Itto his arm and looks at the label on her head "she is a zombie"

Itto turns to gorou shocked "a -..w-what?!" he shouts standing behind Gorou visible scared who crouches down infront of the little girl taking her hands gently into his.

"Could you please stop touching my tail? Also do not touch my ears please" he spoke seeing the girl nod seeming to understand what he is saying because he is speaking a little slower and speaking more gently towards her.

The little girl holds back two fingers of each hand of Gorou and looks down at his hands "order received"

"N-no no it was not a order-..."

Then walks over Baizhu who smiles down at Qiqi "There you are I almost lost you little Qiqi. Oh? Travelers from afar?" He spoke and takes the little girl her hand into his.

Gorou would stand up and give him a kind smile while Itto still has to process he just saw a zombie in real life as usually that is part of tales. "We are from Inazuma. We are just here on vacation "

The doctor glances at their visions and smiles at them "the land of the archon who gave you those. "

Itto snaps out of it and just looks down at Qiqi before his attention wanders elsewhere seeing Beidou walk to a woman with long white hair and Kazuha who just wanders off. "We have to go!" He spoke and yanks Gorou along to join Kazuha "Sorry I had a bad feeling about him...and there was a literal zombie!"

Kazuha overhears them and waits for them to catch up so they can walk with him "He is not that bad. He is a doctor and the little girl helps him in the pharmacy. His name is Baizhu but many add the title doctor infront of it. The little girl her name is Qiqi and she is forgetfull due to her being a zombie. She probably got lost and that is why she came to you taking Gorou his tail to get attention"

Gorou nods and smiles seeming to understand the situation better now and as they continue to walk together they see Itto speed off ahead of them only to pick up a young woman into a hug.
Kazuha and Gorou watch from afar and yes the general knows Itto has friends here yet he cannot help but grow jealous so he looks down.

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