Truths Over Lies

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The following day at work, Rhea ignores you, avoiding eye contact like what happened last night was embarrassing. It sure was, but just for her. She was the one begging for sex, she was the one crying and clinging onto you, she was the one who let her mask fall in front of you, revealing her sensitive side.

It all changed when Triple H ordered you and the Judgement Day into his office again. He told you and Rhea to stop acting so childish and informed you about the details on stage and when the new member will be officially revealed.

You're the first one to stand up, wanting to get out again but Rhea holds you back. You wait until the boys left before you make your way out too. "Can we talk y/n? I mean.. About yesterday?" Rhea asks quietly. You hum, "sure, what is it?". "I haven't told anyone, really, I promise, but somehow Becky and Trish found out and I might have lied to them.." she admits, looking down at her feet.

"What do you mean you lied?" you question confused. "I- I told them you begged for it and that I gave in. I basically just switched our roles.." she's speaking very quietly now. "YOU DID WHAT?!" you yell at her. Noticing the weird glances you get from other coworkers you quickly drag her into the next best room whose door isn't locked.

"Listen y/n I- I'm sorry okay.. You know me, I always tend to play the strong one, the one who never needs help-" She's cut off by you slapping her hard on the cheek. Rhea holds her cheek before returning her shocked gaze to you. "You could've just denied everything you idiot" you proceed to shout.

Your hands clenched into fists you stand there, glaring at her, before exhaling slowly in an attempt to calm you down again. "I'm sorry.." Rhea whispers with watery eyes. "Listen, we're gonna find them, and you're gonna tell them that you lied, that you were the one begging and stuff."

You could see the struggle in her eyes, but she still manages to nod. Leading her out of the room by her wrist, you stop for a second to locate where you want to head before walking off in the direction of the warm-up area.

Before you enter, Sami Zayn walks past you. "Hey Sam, are Trish and or Becky in there?" you quickly ask him. He shoots you a confused look but answers with a yes. You thank him and walk in, your eyes scanning the room for your victims.

Once you spot them talking to Liv, you quickly approach them, dragging Rhea behind." Hey Guys, watcha talking about?" you try to enter the conversation. Trish and Becky smirk at each other, which is enough for you to know what the topic was.

You glare at them. "does Liv know too now? Who else have you told?" you want to know. Becky giggles and shakes her head. "seriously, we haven't told anyone yet, not even Liv" Trish tells you. Liv just stands there confused and you shoot Rhea a look, signaling her to try and get rid of Liv.

"We need to talk to the both of you, and with that I mean that Rhea needs to tell you something!" you state. They nod and you take them to your locker room. "Your turn Rhea" you say coldly once the door is closed behind the four of you.

Rhea exhales a shaky breath before revealing the truth to her coworkers. A moment of silence follows before they burst out into laughter. "I- hah- no way this is true" Becky manages to speak. Rhea's head is down, her lips pressed into a thin line and she nods, walking away without another word.

You knew she was hurt and one part of you wanted to follow and comfort her, but you quickly pushed those thoughts away, telling yourself she was still your enemy and a mean person who just put on a show.


It was late in the evening and you were about to go to bed when you received a text from Rhea, asking if you could talk. You told her to wait until tomorrow but she insisted, so you gave in.

"What do you want Ripley?" you answer the call, clearly annoyed.
"I'm sorry y/n, for everything. For lying today at work, for persuading you into having sex with me, for teasing and mocking you and everything I did to you in the last few months that made your life horrible. I'm sorry, really I am. But there is a reason behind all of it and that's what I want to talk about with you" Rhea blurts out.

"Woah calm down" you stop her from going on, overwhelmed by her honesty. "I- why exactly couldn't this wait until tomorrow?" you want to know then, cause clearly this wasn't something that important, was it?

"I'm sorry-"
"Stop apologizing, oh my god, just tell me" you interrupt her annoyed
"Sor-" Rhea huffs, it seems complicated for her to not apologize. "It couldn't wait because I can't sleep due to all the guilt I'm feeling at the moment.. You know, i haven't only been in love with you recently, it began the day I laid eyes on you. It's just.. Difficult for me to express my feelings the right way and most of the time I'm just mean to the people I like instead of being friendly and everything."

There is a moment of silence before she continues her speech.

"This doesn't mean I didn't care for you the whole time, I did, and every time I said something  mean to you or did something to upset you I felt horrible afterwards but I just couldn't get myself to tell you the truth because I was afraid.." Rhea trails off and you're unable to hear the last words.

"I- I'm sorry Rhea but I don't know what to say or what you would expect me to do now" you stutter.
"I don't know either, I didn't really expect anything nor did I think about this properly. I just knew I needed to get this off my chest to hopefully find peace tonight.."

Another moment of silence on both ends of the telephone until you break it, saying it's probably best to talk about it tomorrow and wishing her a good good night before hanging up. This night you were restless. Nonstop thinking about the call preciously. You get up the next morning after not even three hours of sleep.

"Damn I look like a zombie.." you mumble to yourself once you see your reflection in the bathroom mirror. You had dark rings under your eyes, messy hair, pale skin and your eyelids just wouldn't open all the way because they were too heavy from the lack of sleep.

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