Locked Up

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You're walking backstage, just wanting to find the next best sink to wash your face. You challenged Asuka for her Women's Championship title and lost because she used her poison mist attack and you couldn't see well for the rest of the match.

"Hey y/l/n" you hear a familiar voice shout in your direction. Of course it had to be her, you think to yourself. "Leave me alone idiot" you snap back. You hated her, you were sworn enemies and she never missed an opportunity to let you know that.

"Aw someone's mad" she mocks you. "Argh Rhea please, I just want to go to the fucking bathroom to wash my fucking face" you say and try to push past her.

"Ye ye, let me help you" she says and picks you up in one swift motion. "Hey!" you yell. "Rhea Ripley, you're letting me down right now or we're gonna have a serious problem!" you try to wind free from her grip, hitting your fists against her back and kicking with your legs but to no avail.

Rhea chuckles at your efforts, she knew how much you hated getting picked up, especially if it was from her. You try to open your eyes a little to see if there's someone who could help you and spot a tall man in black ring gear.

"Hey Damian! Tell your stupid friend to let me the fuck down!" you shout over to him. "Sorry Bae, gotta go" he winks and walks over to the gorilla. You mutter something inaudible and eventually just accept that Rhea is carrying you over her shoulder now.

As you reach the bathroom she let's you down roughly and you stumble backwards, hitting a sink. "Thanks for nothing" you grumble, not realising that Ripley already closed the door and locked it from the outside, making it impossible for you to get out again on your own.

You try to wash off the poison mist from your face and out of your eyes. It burns heavily and tears are streaming down your cheeks but you had to get it out, not wanting to risk any long term injuries.

Several minutes later you finally had a somewhat clear vision again. Your face was still green and black from the mist Asuka used on you. Your make up everywhere but where it used to be and your eyes red from crying and rubbing.

You just wanted to get out of here, change into some comfortable clothes and get home into bed. You walk over to the door, just to find it locked. You try to open it, rattling the lock and throwing yourself against the door but it doesn't move even a bit.

"God damn it" you curse under your breath. "Rhea! RHEA! LET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" you scream. "took you longer to notice than I expected" you hear her laugh outside. "sorry sweety but I can't do anything, I lost the key. Well, see ya!" she chirms and walks away.

"What?! No, NO LET ME OUT! HELP!" you scream on top of your lungs. You hated being locked in some tiny room. Not only that, but your claustrophobia didn't exactly make it any better.

You kept screaming but no one seemed to hear you, nor walk past the door. You wondered where she put you, in which part of the building you where and eventually just gave up, sitting down on the floor crying until no more tears were left and you sat in silence.


You didn't know how long you stayed in that room but it must have been hours. The sounds of the people in the arena had stopped since the show probably ended. You hear footsteps approaching the door and get new hope.

"Hello? Can anybody hear me? I need help, I'm locked in here!" you shout and bang against the door with your hands. The person outside stops, probably confused until you hear them knock on the door. "Hello? You in there?" you hear the janitor outside. His voice rusty and old, probably because he was smoking so much.

"Yes, yes please, can you open the door?" you plead, glad someone finally found you. The janitor was a very nice man in his late 60's, you liked him, he always brought a smile on your face as he knew exactly what to say to cheer you up.

The lock clicks and he opens the door." Oh my god thank you!" you sigh and hug him. "Woah Woah, how long have you been in there kid, it's almost two in the morning!" he chuckles, but you can still see the concern written in his face in the dimly lit hallway of the basement.

So that's where she took me, you think before explaining to your savior how you ended up there. "Thank you so much again, good night Joe" you say as you leave to find your locker room.

You're glad Joe found you, you don't even want to imagine having to spend the whole night in there without food or anything to change, having to lay on that uncomfortable, dirty floor. Oh Rhea is gonna regret this, this time she won't come away with it.

Maybe you could report her to Triple H, your boss. But on the other hand, what if everybody thinks you're weak then, reporting your coworker for a little incident which can be seen as an accident. No, you weren't going to take that risk, there has to be another way.

You enter your locker room, quickly change into comfortable clothing and wipe off your makeup and the remains of Asuka's poison mist. You grab your bag and keys and head out to at least get a little rest before tomorrow.

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