💛Arthur Leclerc A-Z SFW💛

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●Affection(How do you both show it?PDA.)

Arthur loves a bit of PDA. He loves kissing you in public and hugging you from behind. He also doesn't care about the paparazzi because he thinks that they're all jealous. You also love to give Arthur a kiss in front of the paparazzi for the F2 Instagram.

●Best Friend(Who are your best friends?)

You:Charles Leclerc~When you're at Arthur's house for dinner or if you're staying over, you won't hesitate to tackle Charles into a bear hug. You're like a little sister to him.

Him:Ollie Bearman~As Ollie is his teammate. They get along very well, and you love the friendship they have between them.

●Cuddles(How do you cuddle?)

If it's a lazy day for the 2 of you, Arthur will lay on the sofa, and you lay on top of him, with your legs on either side of him whilst he rubs your back.

●Domestic(How are you both with chores?)

You both dread chores, but it has to be done, but if you both listen to music whilst doing so, it turns into a dance party.

●Effort(Do you put in the effort in your relationship?)

Since you're both still young, others believe it's just a 'high school romance/fling', so Arthur is determined to spend all of the days left with you.

●Fights(Do you guys argue a lot or not?)

You have some brawls here and then, but it involves saying a lot of things that you both don't mean, and this is why you both try and put the effort into your relationship.

●Gentleman(SFW version.)

He doesn't need to act like a gentleman to please you. He simply just has to be himself. You are both still young, and you both don't have a lot of manners, which means Arthur acting like a gentleman is off the table.

●Horror(What are both of your fears?)

You:Heights~Ever since a ferris wheel you went git stuck and you were at the top, you've been petrified of them. Arthur knows this, and when you're on a plane, he knows to always hold your hand, no matter how long the flight is.

Him:(Made up fear)Open/deep water~He doesn't have a reason why he's scared of open/deep water, but it just freaks him out, he always thinks 'what's below the water surface?' You know about his fesr, so you always swim by the shore.

●Insecurites(What are yours and his insecurities?)

You:Your freckles~You think they make you look even uglier, but Arthur loves them. He always kisses your nose and cheeks, which is where the freckles lie, and it makes you blush hard.

Him:His accent~He feels like most people may not be able to understand him, and that he can't say certain words, but you love it if he sings to you in his language.

Jealousy jealousy(Are they jealous?Do they show it?How?)

Arthur's quite a jealous man. He always makes sure to keep an eye on you. He'll always kiss you whilst slinging an arm around your shoulder, or he'll hold your hand/waist in public.

●Kisses(Favourite kissing spots.)

You:His abs~(Don't judge) But like, how could you not, Arthur's body is a chef's kiss.

Him:Your forehead~Its basically saying a quick goodbye before getting in his car, and it's a way of comforting you if you're ever panicking.

●L-O-V-E(How often do you say it?)

You and Arthur do say it quite a lot, but he normally says it in French. In F2, it's also a way of saying good luck or be safe.

●Memories(Favourite memory together.)

It has to be when you took your daughter Jade to the beach. You wanted to teach her to swim in the shallow part of the water, but Arthur, Charles, and Pierre bought their surfboards with them. Arthur picked up Jade and put her on the surfboard, and pretended she was surfing. Jade, Arthur, you, Charles, and Pierre were all giggling and laughing.

●No paparazzi(Private life or not?)

Your's and Arthur's lives are definitely not private. The paparazzi love you guys together, and they always want the relationship gossip, so you're constantly bombarded with questions about the love of your life and vice versa.

●Offspring(Your children.)

You'd given birth to Jade about 7 and a half months ago, and Arthur was the best dad ever, even at races. He always made time for Jade. When he got a podium at a race that you and Jade attended, you made Jade wear a onesie/outfit that said 'Big Sister' on it. After the podium and interviews, Arthur made his way back to his driver's room to see you and Jade, but the first thing he saw was the outfit, and he then kissed you passionately.

●Protective(Are they?How much?)

Arthur can be very protective because he thinks that you could do so much better than him, which is obviously false because this man gives Disney prince vibes. But that doesn't stop him from protecting you.

●Quirks(Something you are good at.)

You:Ballet~You love ballet because even though not many people can achieve it, you've become quite the master at it. Arthur makes sure to turn up at competitions or shows because you attend his races. The best show you did was a circus ballerina, which Arthur thought was incredible.

Him:(Made up)Surfing~He loves surfing the waves in Monaco with Charles, and he loves to teach Jade aswell. He has a real talent for it.

●Racing(Your favourite track.)

It has to be Baku (Azerbaijan) because you love street races. Even though you like Monaco, there are more overtake opportunities at Baku.

●Sworn enemies(Who don't you like?)

You have this frenemy relationship with Theo Pourchaire. There isn't really a reason, but since day 1, there's been a generous handful of dirty looks and glances.

●Together(Can you survive being apart?)

You and Arthur are bound at the hip, so no, you can't. That's all I can say to be honest with you.

●Unfair(What is he better at than you?)

Arthur is surprisingly better at karaoke than you. You both love Friday night karaoke, but it turns into a bit of a competition, which then turns into a tickle fight, and Arthur won't stop until you admit that he's better at karaoke than you.

●Violent(Who's throwing the punches?)

You both tend to throw punches quite a bit, but if someone offends you or him, you both do try not to let violence take over you.

●Waltz(Your favourite songs.)

You:Enemy~Imagine Dragons & JID.
Him:Poison~Rita Ora.

●Xtra(Random prompt.)

"I love you, Arthur Leclerc."/"I love you too, mon bel ange."

●Yes ma'am(Can you say no to each other?)

With Arthur's beautiful eyes, you can't say no to him. He's too perfect. On the other hand, Arthur says no to you quite a bit if it's something that is stupid or will get you in trouble.

Zzz(Sleeping habits.)

Arthur normally sleeps on his back, whilst you sleep on your stomach with his arm on your back, or you're both holding hands. If you're lucky, and if Arthur doesn't get a dead arm, you use his arm as a pillow whilst placing small kisses onto his arm.

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