💙Alex Albon A-Z SFW💙

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●Affection(How do you both show it?PDA.)

You and Alex are both pretty affectionate towards one another, but there's not a lot of affection in the world of F1. If you're both together in the paddock, there will be hand holding quite a bit, and short but passionate kisses on the cheek or forehead. Alex does try to keep the paparazzi at bay and away from you, because he knows your insecure abiut your body. Your PDA scale would be a 5/10.

●Best Friend(Who are your best friends?)

You:Yuki~Yuki introduced you to Alex and he's become a third wheel of sorts, but even though he's small, he won't hesitate to stand up for you.

Him:George~The presentation with him, George and Lando was to fun for you, and you could see the bromance happening between George and Alex.

●Cuddle(How do you cuddle?)

It's quite simple really, you normally both go to bed around the same time, Alex may go earlier due to jet leg, but you're always facing each other. When you wake up, Alex is normally stroking your hair, whilst you blush like a maniac.

●Domestic(How are you both with chores?)

Man, Alex is one of the best chefs ever, the best dish he ever cooked was spaghetti carbonara, it was so delicious. You on the other hand, you love to organise the house (like the restock tik tok videos), you make it look aesthetic in some ways, and Alex does like it when the house looks a bit different. You also clean the house together, or sometimes you do it if you want Alex to sleep in after a busy race weekend.

●Effort(Do you put in the effort in your relationship?)

You both don't really have to put in the effort since you both want to spend the rest of your lives together, so that makes it a bit easier. There can be some effort though when the paparazzi get out of hand or try to break you guys up.

●Fight(Do you guys argue a lot or not?)

There may be a few fights here and there between you two, but that's only due to Alex's stress and jet lag, which means its a meanless and futile argument. The arguments only last a few minutes, and it ends up in cuddles and kisses with a cheeky movie night.

●Gentleman(SFW version.)

He is such a gentleman, he loves to open the car doors for you. You absolutely love him to pieces (who doesn't?) Also, as said before, his cooking skills are quality.

●Horror(What are both of your fears?)

You:Insects~after an encounter with a pretty big spider, lets just say that any insect may cause some slight panic attacks.

Him:(Made up fear) Mice/Rats~ You have a pet rat called Remy, but Alex tells you to keep him in the spare room, which you use when Alex isn't home, he is totally freaked out by them.

●Insecurites(What are yours and his insecurities?)

You:Your insecure about your eyes, because you have hetrocronia (don't judge my spelling this is where 1 eye may be a different colour or it may contain an aspect of a different colour.) Alex thinks you look even more beautiful and he loves it.

His:He can be quite insecure about his different hair colours. You always love the surprise of a new hair colour but you have to admit the blonde hair and the dark roots is your favourite so far.

●Jealousy, jealousy(How jealous are they? Do they show it? How?)

Alex trusts you enough to know that you won't cheat on him, and if does get jealous, he'll walk up to the person who is hitting on you and say this exact line "I'm Alex Albon, the F1 driver if you didn't know, and this is MY girlfriend Y/N."

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