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                     Skeppy's POV:
TW: Depressing and the mention of Death and a little panic attack

A notification went off on my phone and I turned myself on my bed to face it .

Bad is streaming....

I sat up on my bed and clicked on the stream.

"Hi Muffins!! Today Im streaming with Dream!!" Announced Bad in a loud yet excited voice.

He is streaming with Dream...again.

I felt jealous everytime my best friend streamed with someone other than me but today I felt different ; I felt hurt. I was lost in thought until a donation asked.

"BBH Do You Like Someone???"

I looked at his facecam and froze in shock as Bad turned red and try to explain the fact that he doesn't like anyone and he was just caught off guard by the sudden question.

He liked someone. And he never told me, his best friend.

"Just because he is your 'best friend' doesn't mean you are his"

"He doesn't trust you enough to tell you who he likes"

Tears started forming in the corners of my eyes as I thought of the fact that He could not trust me enough to tell me his 'Best Friend' that he liked someone . I put my phone next to me and my head in a pillow, Trying my best to ignore the voices saying he doesn't trust me.

I try my best not to cry and I think of the times when me and Bad streamed together laughing and trolling eachother and I started to get sleepy after a few hours of crying I finaly fell asleep.

I woke up in a circle of people I didn't know. They were saying:

"You know that you are not good enough to be his friend"

"He hates you"

"You are too clingy"

"He will never accept the real you"

"Just Die Already"


Then He appeared infront of me

"You know Zak ; you are really anoying. I never liked or trusted you" stated Darryl

Bad?... Why would you say that?

I said as tears started to streaming down my cheeks.Those words pierced throught my heart hurting me more than what I expected.

"Your trolls are anoying and you are so sensitive you CRYBABY! I mean look at yourself!! You are crying over something so STUPID!!!"


"Don't act so stupid. You know what I mean"

...I..Im Sorry Bad.

As more and more tears started falling I slowly closed my eyes making Bad's voice seem more distant

When I opened my eyes again I was in my bed crying... I had the nightmare again. I've always had nightmares of Bad leaving me or finding out about the "real" weak,crybaby and sensitive me. But this time it hurt more; so much more than what I expected.

When I stopped crying I looked over at my phone. Someone was calling me. In a panic I quickly grabbed my phone to see who it was. It was Bad... I whiped my tears and answered the call.


"Where were you!?I called you seven times!!!"

"...Bad?" As I said it I could hear my hoarce voice

"Skeppy... were you crying?" Said Bad in a confused and concerned voice

Oh no He is going to call me weak and a crybaby now! What do I do!?

"Skeppy? Can you hear me? Is something wrong?" Said Bad in a concerned tone

My hands started to shake violently at the thought of him leaving me . My heart rate and breathing started to quickly become irregular .

"Zak ? Whats wrong?"said Bad for a secound time

I quickly ended the call as I tried to calm myself down.
I said trying to stop my fast heartbeat and trying to take breaths but finding it impossible . After a while of trying to breathe but failing I started to cry and my vision slowly started to become blurry...

You Muffin Head!!! ~SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now