"The...man, who attacked Y/n, do you think there are more like him that will be after her?"

Ominis sighed as he heard the expression of worry behind my voice. 

"Hard to say, really. If there are, I wouldn't take them to be as, confident, as that man was, considering it is known how well-trained Y/n is" 

I nodded, hoping that he is right. Hoping that, that man who attacked her was made of pure stupidity and just acted on the moment when he saw us. 

"Another thing..." I added. His head turned from its titled position that was angled at the sky, now toward my hesitant face.

"And what might that be, Sebastian?" His hands paused their movements with the grass. 

"I didn't tell her who he was with, I-I couldn't bring myself to let her worry anymore." It felt like my words echoed through the small village. 

Ominis held a blank expression while nodding his head slowly, "I don't blame you for that, just wish you would have told me sooner because what if I would have mentioned it to her?"

I sighed in relief as Ominis rarely agreed with my decisions. He always was the one to think about his choices whereas I acted out immediately on mine.

"Yeah, I know" 

"I wouldn't worry too much about it Sebastian." He paused, parting his lips before speaking again, " It's best to let her live in a state of innocence so she can focus on the things that are important right now. Which will then allow her to finally have a normal year at Hogwarts." 

"That's what I was thinking" 

I felt a bit of tension rise off of my shoulders since Ominis agreed with my decision to not tell her, finally we see eye to eye on something.


I knew it was coming.

"If it gets worse, if someone else tries you or her again, you must tell her."

I cringed at the thought of speaking his name to Y/n. I hated being the barrier of bad news, let alone to her.


"Okay?" he questioned


"Hm" he rose his eyebrows, "Didn't expect you to agree so quickly on that"

I chuckled lightly, "Well, you are finally right about something Ominis"

I watched as his eyebrows scrunched together and his eyes squint. He did that on occasions when he was upset or so confused that he would get frustrated.

"I'm taking a nap" he spoke blankly while now laying on his back.

Though Ominis and I did bicker a lot, I was still grateful for him, I put him through hell and back, and he was still here. So was Y/n. I couldn't understand why both of them were still by my side, why they chose to accompany my presence, but I was nonetheless thankful.

                                                                                    --Y/n's POV--

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