Thirteen - Aptitude

Start from the beginning

Not that contacting me is really panicking, but for her, it might as well be.

"Yes sir. I sent a scout four hours ago." No, she isn't panicking. But she's serious, an intense aura to her normally unbothered facade that I have not yet had the pleasure of seeing.

"And it hasn't returned," I mutter, then look toward my nav officer. "To Mustafar. Now."

Then, to Kitten once more: "I presume you already have contact with the Tellstar?" The light cruiser stationed outside the atmosphere.

"Yes sir. The captain is standing by."

"They wait for your signal."

Is it risky to test her in this way? Likely. But she is underground, and my fortress is just that: a fortress. I'm a mere two hours away. So maybe there isn't much of a control group; it's an experiment anyway.

My forbidden lust, or more specifically the problem it causes, is pushed to the back burner. If there is truly a threat, catching it in advance will gain her points because that's exactly the kind of thing I hired her for. How she handles it will determine her future.

The hesitation my words cause doesn't look very good for her, but she does eventually affirm she understands with a brisk nod.

She hasn't disappointed me yet. From day one she took my vague orders and molded right into what I need. And that is the problem.

I need a reason to push her away. Yes, a part of me—the pesky part that still goes unmasked for her—wants her to do what she always does and exceed expectations.

So, I set my expectations higher. Coruscant Military Academy high. Time to see if my Kitten has it in her to be a part of my world.



I wait for Vader's arrival with sweaty palms and restless energy, but only a small part of me is disappointed Yellow Eyes wasn't the one to answer. Vader was who I wanted to contact, but I couldn't find the nerve to do so without definite proof of a threat. It simply removed the middleman for me. I'm just relieved he didn't disregard my warning.

I stand before the main security feeds, three people sitting at them, and I wait.

I have little proof something is about to happen, but it turns out, I'm not wrong.

"Incoming ships," Andrew says calmly. An explosive man who worked for the Republic navy once. But he's good at his job. I can handle explosive.

"Launch the TIEs." Almost the same time ships enter the system, TIEs leave the light cruiser above and launch from the landing pads around the fortress.

Vader better get here soon.

"Who are they?" I ask after a few seconds.

"They're just people," June answers—an older woman who joined the Empire to help her grandkids.

I assume that means there's no military involved, but when the scans pop up, they're clearly starfighters.

"Their formation is sloppy and unpracticed," Andrew says, likely clarifying for my sake. My team is a well-oiled machine. We know each other's strengths and weaknesses.

"Get me connected."

I never did learn exactly what the parameters of my job are, but I'll do what needs to be done. How much more can Vader punish me? Protect his home at all costs—that is my job.

The green light lit up—I'm live. "You are approaching a restricted zone. Slow your speeds and send me your codes." Instinct is telling me to simply attack, but I want to know who they are.

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