Chapter 74 Ming Wu

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  "So, it's my mother who wants me to go back to study medicine, but you don't want me to go back to study?" Yan Hao asked.

  "Of course I also hope." Yan Fei's eyes flickered almost imperceptibly, "We used to go to class together as brothers, and my parents would often ask us about our homework. Every time we bought something for us, we always bought double copies. Yes. Do you still remember, the first time we tried to adjust the basic medicine, my parents drove us to buy medicine supplies for us..."

  Yan Hao let out a "chi" and suddenly laughed.

  "Brother?" Yan Fei paused, and looked at Yan Hao in surprise. He was a little uncertain about Yan Hao's reaction at this time. This was not the reaction he expected Yan Hao to have.

  "Is that why I used to do it?" In the past, he always wanted to get his parents' attention, so he tried his best to express himself. When he found that he could not attract the attention of his parents even after taking the first place in the exam, he felt that maybe his performance was not obvious enough. So he purposely kept the first grade, deliberately studied in the same class as Yan Fei, and deliberately studied the same major, thinking that his parents should notice that he was better than Yan Fei.

  But I don’t want people’s hearts to be biased. People who don’t like you will never like you no matter what you do, no matter how well you do. And the way you try to get their attention, how funny it must be in their eyes.

  He tried his best to win and show off, but what he got was just a copy that his parents took with him when they bought things for Yan Fei. So no matter how many first exams he got, no matter how much higher his score was than Yan Fei, Yan Fei would never be discouraged, let alone sad, he would even act strong, optimistic, neither arrogant nor discouraged. On the contrary, the self that expects others to see is set off by such utilitarian and disgusting.

  Why did Yan Fei do this, because he looked down on himself mentally.

  Why did I do that in the first place?

  Looking back at his past self at this time, Yan Hao still can't figure out why he fell into it in the first place, and even spent so many years on it.

  "Brother? Parents want you to continue studying pharmacy. You will transfer back to the pharmacy school." Yan Fei asked, "I have already worshiped Professor Sun Liang as a teacher. He is an eighth-level pharmacist. If you decide to come back, I will He can also accept you as an apprentice."

  "It's just an eighth-level pharmacist, and you are the only one who cares about it." He Shao couldn't help but roll his eyes. Can an eighth-level pharmacist compare with a tenth-level mech maker? There are two masters with this level of worship.

  Besides, isn't it Sun Liang? He knows this person, and he is the one who published the calculation formula of the six-level sedative on the Internet. I couldn't calculate what I had studied for several years, so I could only post it on the Internet, and the result was finally calculated by Yan Hao. From this point of view, even if Yan Hao continues to study pharmacy, this Sun Liang is not qualified to be Yan Hao's teacher.

"This classmate, I know you are my brother's friend, but as a friend, shouldn't you be more concerned about my brother's future?" Yan Fei looked at He Shao and said righteously, "My brother has studied medicine for six years. , the college entrance examination is still the top scorer of our Z star. If he continues to study pharmacy with such grades, he is likely to become a master of pharmacy in the future. But if he is angry and learns mecha manufacturing, it will not only waste my brother's talent in pharmacy, but also It will also ruin his future life."

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