22 • Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Kate, how are you?" Lizzie embraced her other sister, a broad smile adorning her face at the sight of the twins reunited.

"I'm good, just busy with work. What brings you here?" MK responded.

"Stella, over there, needs a graduation dress," Ashley answered before Lizzie had a chance to speak, pointing towards the brunette situated about ten feet away.

"Perfect, fresh bait," MK smiled mischievously as the three sisters made their way toward the girl.

Stella sighed in defeat, returning yet another dress to its rack. At this rate, she feared she would never find a suitable dress in time.

"El?" Lizzie's voice resonated through the air.

"I can't find anything, bee," Stella replied, her attention still fixed on sifting through the array of extravagant garments.

"Bee?" Another voice interjected, causing Stella to startle and swiftly turn around.

"Shit," the girl froze as she found herself face to face with none other than the iconic Olsen twins. Seeking assistance, she looked to Lizzie, her eyes reflecting fear.

"Baby, these are my sisters," Lizzie chuckled, her words slipping out without much consideration.

"Baby?!" MK exclaimed, taken aback.

"I always knew you were fucking gay. I'm glad you finally opened your eyes, dumbass," Ashley playfully punched Lizzie's arm.

"Okay, what's with the swearing? Calm your fucking farm," Lizzie retaliated, playfully punching Ashley back.

"I need an aspirin," MK mumbled, holding her head with her hand, battling an impending headache. Accidentally, Ashley's punch landed on MK, leaving the blonde in utter disbelief. "Why did you hit me? Idiot!"

Stella stood there, at a loss for words, observing Lizzie—a woman who exuded huge mommy energy just moments ago—engaging in squabbles with her sisters like a child.

"Stop!" the brunette yelled, causing the three blondes to freeze in place. "What is happening?!" Stella questioned, a mixture of confusion and frustration clouding her expression.

"Sorry," Lizzie apologized.

"Sorry," the twins chimed in unison, standing as if scolded toddlers.

"We're sisters. We love each other one minute and then argue over who stole whose Barbie in 1998," MK explained, offering a sheepish smile to the younger girl.

"It was you, by the way," Ashley muttered under her breath.

"She's right, you did," Lizzie agreed.

"I didn't!" MK exclaimed, exasperated with her two sisters.

"Alright! Enough! Please! If I wanted three toddlers, I would have gone to my cousin's house. MK, go find me a dress. Ashley, leave Lizzie alone. And Lizzie, follow me," Stella intervened, witnessing the three girls staring at her with wide eyes of surprise.

Without uttering a word, MK retreated to the back to search for a suitable design for the brunette, Ashley scoured the racks for a dress, and Lizzie trailed behind Stella as they ventured to the other side of the shop.

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