Chapter 1

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~Emily and Maddie are both 19 btw~

Emily's POV

12th August

Today is Tuesday, meaning Niki and Sammy upload their competition winners. The competition was to make a fan video and the winners could meet up with them for a day in London. My friend Maddie and I had spent days making ours, selecting all of our favourite twin moments and pictures. I really hope we win, I've been watching the twins since the very beginning, and I've watched all their videos over 5 times each. I just love them. Maddie has only started watching them because I told her too but she loves them also.

I picked up my iPhone and checked my YouTube subscriptions, scrolling until I found the video. I smiled at the thumbnail, and pressed the video.

"Hi, I'm Niki" "and it's time for some winners!"

I chuckled softly at Sammy's new intro phrase. How he comes up with them sometimes baffles me.

They began talking about the competition, rules and how many people entered.

"Now, loads of people entered, so please don't be too disappointed if you don't win" Niki smiled, his eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"And without further ado, the winners are... Emily and Maddie, with their video 'Twindom best moments'! We loved it girls!"

My eyes grew wide and my hands turned numb. I am going to meet Niki and Sammy. I really am. I squealed with happiness, how could this even happen??!! I continued to watch, learning that they had emailed me to get contact details and such. My eyes filled with tears, I was seriously going to meet them.

I quickly called Maddie and told her the good news.

"Maddie, we won! We won we won we won!"

"Won what?"

"Niki and Sammy's contest you idiot! We won!"

"Omg you're joking right?"

"Why would I joke, Maddie we won!"

We spoke for a little afterwards, but then I hung up. I was so excited I could barely speak.

Predictable, I know haha. But this will get a lot better I promise, this was just a starter. Hope you enjoyed.

Once in a Lifetime | Niki and Sammy Albon | nikinsammy | HonestlyMe09Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum