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Sophie walked into her house after going out for her morning workout. She flipped through her mail, separating the things she would keep from the things she would shred. A gray envelope with elegant gold lettering stood out to her.

She put the other mail on the bar and opened the envelope. "You've been invited to the wedding of Dr. Mary Hamilton and Luke Fox. It will be a celebration of love." Sophie smiled. She posted the invite on the refrigerator as a reminder to RSVP. Before she could make it to her room, Mary called.

"Hey." Sophie answered. "Do you want to go out tonight for Taco Tuesday?" Mary asked. "Yeah. That sounds like fun. What time were you thinking?" Sophie asked. "7." Mary answered. "Okay."

Luke walked into Ryan's office and placed a package on her desk. He cleared his throat to get Ryan's attention. "Can I help you?" Ryan asked. "Just reminding you that I'm on vacation for two weeks. I won't be here on Monday."

"Enjoy your vacation." Ryan said, focusing her attention back to her computer. "I'm getting married." Luke announced. "Congratulations." Ryan said. "Thank you." Luke replied. He put the invite on Ryan's desk before leaving.

Sophie and Mary sat across from each other in the crowded restaurant. Both were about 2 drinks and 3 tacos in. "I got your invite in the mail today."

"Good. Are you going to bring anyone?" Mary asked. "I hadn't thought about it." Sophie answered. "I know a nice woman who would be perfect for you." Mary said. "I don't need to be set up."

"Okay. I just don't want you to go to a wedding by yourself." Mary said. "If it matters. I'll bring someone." Sophie said. "Great."

It was late when Ryan walked into her penthouse. She let out a heavy sigh as she took off her heels and went into the kitchen for a glass of wine. She opened up her phone and opened the Swipe app. She scrolled through women as she sipped on her wine.

"Was your day as stressful as mine?" One match sent. Ryan clicked on her profile. She was gorgeous and wasn't looking for anything serious, which was perfect for Ryan. "I would be happy to help you relieve some stress."

Ryan went to the address that was sent to her. She knocked on the door. Sophie opened the door, letting Ryan inside.

They started watching a movie for a moment before Sophie pulled Ryan into her lap during a heated make-out session. Ryan framed Sophie's face as they kissed. Sophie pulled Ryan in close by her waist.

Ryan lightly pushed Sophie back and took off her shirt. Sophie put Ryan's breasts in her mouth. She put her hands in Ryan's pants and fingered her.

Ryan lifted Sophie's chin and kissed her. She moaned in Sophie's mouth. "Lay down." Sophie said. Ryan laid on the couch. Sophie took off her pants and panties. She kissed a trail down from Ryan's stomach to her wetness.

Eventually, they made it to Sophie's bed. Ryan rose up from under the sheets and laid down next to Sophie. They caught their breaths.

Sophie looked over at Ryan. Ryan kissed her lips. Sophie smiled.

"Why was your day stressful?" Ryan asked. "My friend is trying to set me up on a date." Sophie answered. "You don't strike me as the kind of woman who would need help with that."

"Right." Sophie said. "Why are you single?" Ryan asked. "Relationships take up a lot of time, and I have a busy schedule."

"I get that." Ryan said. "Why are you single?" Sophie asked. "I have a hard time connecting with people." Ryan answered. "I find that hard to believe." Sophie said. "Yeah, well. We haven't known each other for very long."

"You're not like a murderer or some shit, right?" Sophie asked. "No. Of course not." Ryan answered. "We do live in Gotham. That's not an insane question to ask."

"You're not wrong. However, you should've asked that before we had sex." Ryan laughed. "It just popped in my head."

"Okay." Ryan sat up and got out of bed to find her clothes. Sophie put on her robe to walk Ryan out. "This was fun. We should do it again." Sophie said. "Yeah. I'll call you." Ryan replied.

It's generic and friendly. Neither really meant it, but it's polite.

Ryan left Sophie's place with little to no intention of seeing her again.

"Do me a favor and look at Luke's wedding registry. Send me a list. I have to send him something nice." Ryan told her assistant. "I will do that." The assistant replied.

Sophie called to RSVP for the wedding before going to work. Her reservation was for 1 despite Mary being adamant that she needed a plus one.

Sophie didn't understand why Mary cared so much about her being by herself at the wedding. She often did things alone when she had the time. It never bothered her. If she wanted someone else's attention, she would go out and seek it.

On her way to leave for work, Sophie noticed a ring on her coffee table. Sophie snapped a picture and sent it to Ryan. Then she went to work.

Mary called Sophie on her drive."Sophie, I heard you RVSP'd with no plus one." Mary said. "I thought about it and I'm fine going to your wedding alone. You are the one with the problem."

"It's not a problem. I just thought you'd have more fun with another person. There's not going to be a lot of single people there." Mary said. "I feel like you're not telling me something."

"Kate's going to be there with her new fiance, Maggie." Mary said. "Good for her." Sophie said. "If you're fine, then I'm good." Mary said. "Then we're great." Sophie replied. "Okay. I'll see you on Friday."

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