Chapter 9: Mysterious Power

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Brandon suddenly woke up but not by headache, he just feel like something shook him. When he stood up and looked around, he realized that he is now standing in that white room again but that guy with white attire is no longer standing there. He keep walking around, calling him loudly but no response. After 5 minutes without results, Brandon can only walking slowly until he saw a chair and sat on it.

Brandon: Where the hell is he?

While thinking about what to do next, a person called him from behind.

???: Brandon.

Hearing that, he stood up and turned back, not taking too much time for him to realize who was that.

Brandon: Randy? I thought you are dead...

Randy: Well yeah, i am.

That is Randy, Brandon's big brother. He is wearing a AOR1 uniform but with some blood stains. He was Navy SEAL who are killed in action while deployed to Africa a few days before Brandon joined the Army. Brandon quickly asked Randy about what happened.

Brandon: What are you doing here?

Randy: That's secret. You cannot know about it.

Brandon: Jesus. You must know about my situations right?

Meanwhile at reality, the commander is looking at unconscious Brandon laying on bed. Outside the room, Hornet and her friends are sitting at bench in medbay of the base. Hornet is very worrying about the condition of Brandon. Inside the room, the doctor anaylist to the commander about the injury that Brandon received. In short, Brandon has bleeding, broken bones in his arms and back and some bruises. It might be critical but fortunately, he had hospitalized early before everything was too late. Heard that, the commander sighed in relief but not so long. One of his subordinate officer called him to the office for showing the footage about the fight.

Commander: What do we have?

Officer: The footage of the fight yesterday from a nearby surveillance camera.

The officer open the video of footage about yesterday's fight. But when watching, the commander realized something. He told the officer to rewind the footage and play it with speed 0.5. At this portion, when that guy is lifting up the emotionless Brandon, both the commander and officer saw a flying ghost in a thin and dark smoke. It's slowly approached that guy and do something that they don't know. Then that guy dropped Brandon down on the ground then fleeing out before the commander and shipgirls came to Brandon. The ghost quickly sends a puff of black smoke into his body then disappeared with the wind before everyone ran into him. At this point, they can only think about that if he has haunted but the answer might be no because why that ghost have to disappear while he can haunt Brandon. The answer is still mysterious with everyone.

Back to dream...

Brandon: Listen, tell me what can i do now.

Randy: Well, just fight on your own. But you should know that you are special person at here. Everyone seem to be expected many on you or other words, you were born for this.

Brandon: ...I heard this for hundred times you know.

Randy: Haha I know but just keep in mind that thing. I will count on you.

Before Brandon can say any words, the room start shaking hard and then...

Brandon: *waking up* Uhhh... where am i?

Brandon once again woke up but now he's back to reality. Looking around, he realized that he's in patient room in medbay. He put the blanket aside then stepped off the bed and walk toward the door.

Hornet: Brandon! Are you okay?!

Hornet ran to him and quickly hugs him. Seeing this, Brandon can only hugs back to comfort her.

Brandon: I'm fine... yeah.

Hornet: You know that everyone is very worried about you?!

Brandon: I know... i'm sorry.

They keep hugging each others for a moment. After two days in hospital, Brandon finally discharged then quickly back to usual duty but also being advised from the doctor to stay out from heavy works for a few months. In the office, Brandon and Hornet are resting after sorted paperworks together. But when talking about their topics, Brandon accidentally dropped his pen down and when he crouched to pick it up, he saw a dark smoke was floating from ground a little, because under his desk there is a large rectangle opening. Seeing that made him freezed and start sweating, it's terrified when that thing is start approaching his desk. He quickly picked his pen then leave from there. Seeing his sweating face, Hornet asked in worry.

Hornet: Brandon, are you alright?!

He tries to calm down then proceed his answer.

Brandon: I...I'm fine.

Hornet: I will call the doctor!

Brandon: No I'm good.

Even heard that, Hornet still ran out of office to call the doctor. Brandon then look down his desk once again but that thing is no longer standing there. After confirmed that thing is no longer here, he can finally calm down. Hornet came back with the doctor to make sure that everything is alright. After a quick checkup, the doctor confirmed that his health is good, no serious problems. Hearing that, Hornet sighed in relief but she's still worry for Brandon, especially after he discharged from hospital while he just staying in there for 3 days but then Brandon comforted her that he's fine, just tired. Looking outside, they notices that it's almost evening now but Brandon said with Hornet that he need go back to his room for taking a rest and he will go by himself.

Brandon: I will go now-

Hornet: Why you are always putting yourself to the limit?! WHY?!

But facing with her question, Brandon only answer.

Brandon: I don't know.

Then he leaved the office and head to his room, left Hornet behind that kneel down with her tears that flowing down her cheeks and crying. Meanwhile, Brandon just got into his room and closed the door. He laid down on his bed, ready to take a peace sleep. But not so long later, something make him hard to breath and when he opened his eyes, he saw that smoke figure again. He tries to move his body but unsuccess. Then some dark smoke start covering his whole body. He can only screams in vain. But before the smoke reaches to his head, Brandon tries to say some last words.

Brandon: I'm...sorry, very...sorry.

Then the smoke covered the whole body then both his body and that smoke figure disappeared in silence. Now the room is all empty.

"Is this the end for me?"

"No, it can't be."

"I will not dead like this, I must do something to change this."

"I will do it, I will definitely do it"


"I'm special person and I'm here to save everyone."

(To be continued)


Hello everyone. That's me, Fireteam_Leader. It's been so long that I didn't updated anything on here but now is yes. Finally I finished this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it and if you have any problems, leave a comment and I will answer it soon. Alright, that's all. Have a good day/night. Peace!

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