Chapter 7: New Life As Naval Base Lieutenant

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Brandon woke up again in that white room again after another. With him, this is like a endless loop and never end, or that's what he thought. He goes around the room and shouted him to show off but no response. He looked back again and saw a shelf with a box on it. He approached and check what's inside the box. Inside the box was a protective charms with a letter. He pickup the letter, carefully open and read it.

"Hey man. Sorry for my absence but i have a little gift for you, that is a protective charms and you need to remember that you MUST keep it everytime. It will keep you safe from any harms. We will stop meeting from here and if you think that you are in the dream... well yeah, but if you have any questions, you can write a note and let it in mailbox outside the building, i will answer and silent so remember to check the mailbox. Good luck from there and god bless two you.


Brandon cannot see the sign of that guy because it's scratched or blurred. Then he put down the letter and look at the charms.

Brandon: Well... i guess this will bless me, like he said.

He picked up the charms and put it into pocket. Suddenly, the ground start shaking and a big light start surronding the room and...

Brandon: Oh god... this is my 4th headache in this month.

He woke up after a headache. Look around the room, he knew all is just a dream. He looked at the clock and it was 5:45AM but he decided to run around the base for health and also enjoy the sun rise. He quickly stood up from bed and change into his sport uniform, wear his shoes and puts on earphones (if you guys wonder why he has it... because he bring it along with his equipment bag during his patrol) then get out the room.

He start running from the main building. As he running to the pier, the sun is slowly rising out of mountain. "What a beautiful sight to watch" he thought in his mind. Suddenly, something lights up in his pocket and he quickly take it out. It's the charms he found in the his "dream". He looks at the charms then look at the sun.

Brandon: I think i have my objectives from now and i will live for it.

He put it back into pocket again then continue running. A few minutes, he returned back to his room. As he entered, in front of him was a bag which is placed on the table alongside with a note. He picked up and carefully read it:

"Hey Brandon. If you are reading this note, i'm just want to said that the Commander told me to hand this uniform to your room. From now, you will work as naval lieutenant
and your work will start at 8AM so you must be quick on your own and i will wait you at the main hall."

Look at the content of the note, Brandon guess that Hornet was the person who placed this bag and also wrote this note. Put the note aside, he opened the bag and take everything inside the bag. Inside the bag was a naval officer uniform with navy blue color, a name tag with his name on it, a naval officer hat and other stuffs. Brandon look at the clock, it's 7:15AM. Still early but he know that still early doesn't mean that he has many times to do. He goes into bathroom, take a quick shower, fixing his hair, then wearing his new uniform. After finished all, he stood before the mirror and fixing this uniform and his hair once again for good.

Brandon: Hmm... not bad. I'm really good with this.

Then Brandon get out of room and quickly head to the main hall where Hornet was waiting him. At main hall, Hornet was checking her paper but when saw Brandon walking with another uniform and another look, she quickly covers her face with those papers while her face is blushing hardly because of him. Brandon saw that quickly shout to Hornet, make her startled but she tries to calm down as Brandon approaching closely. When he finally came, Hornet say hi to him.

Hornet: Good morning Brandon, how's your sleep?

Brandon: Pretty good. Thanks for asking.

When looking at his uniform, Hornet say something that even Brandon didn't expected.

Hornet: You look handsome with that uniform.

Hearing that, Brandon blushed slightly and say thanks but with Hornet, that is opposite. After recognized what's she said, she blushed like tomato and hide again with the papers. Seeing that, Brandon can only chuckles with that, then he said.

Brandon: Alright, now can you lead me to the office?

Hornet: Oh ok, please follow me.

Hornet start leading him through the hallway, passed through commander's office until they stopped in front of the room. The first thing Brandon saw was the door with the board:

"Lieutenant Brandon
Information Office"

Brandon: So this is my office?

Hornet: Yes, just open the door.

Brandon quickly open the door and surprised with everything inside the office. It was designed like Western places with Western furnitures, including the big desk and the chair. The room also have view to ocean side, make it more chill and more beautiful. Beside that, some furnitures were also added such as coffee maker, big white billboard that he could writes any important information on it and more. After inspected the office, he sat down on the chair, a comfortable feel with him.

Brandon: So, what's my duty as lieutenant?

Hornet: It's here.

Hornet placed on desk a file of documents with a big amount and said.

Hornet: Well, your duty is sort these documents into the right categories and write a new report for new day.

Look pretty easy, right? But when Brandon look at those documents, he knows that it will took a day to complete all of this.

Brandon: This will took my age to complete this... An Army guy like me can't solve all of this!

Hornet: *giggles* But don't worry, i will be your secretary ship from now. Hope we can shares our works together, okay?

Brandon: Ah yeah- wait, secretary ship?

Hornet: Yes. Allow me to explain in short: A commander can choose one of those ships as their secretary or those ships can volunteer for secretary duties.

Brandon: Sound explainable, i guess that you are being chosen by your commander, right?

Hornet: No, i volunteer for this.

Brandon: Why?

Hornet: Because... we're couple?

Brandon: And?

Hornet: I just want to... help you in work and also, i want to spend time with you, Brandy.

Brandon hears that can only keep his mouth shut because what she said is right. She just want to help him out because they are couple now, especially with those papers but he believe that this could be done in 2 hours with Hornet's help... or maybe.

Brandon: But i'm lazy...

Hornet: Come on Brandy... can you stop lazy and get to work now? I will help you so please, get to work!

Brandon: Maybe...

Well, new life as naval lieutenant is started from here. There is more challenges ahead but if they tries the best, they will get through them all. Could a Night Stalkers guy can handle his new duties as new naval lieutenant? Well... with their efforts, they could make it.

-To be continued-

Hey guys, it's me. Sorry for long time because i need to think new idea for this story and now i can upload this chapter after all. Hope you guys like it and remember to rate it. Thank you guys and see you in next chapter. Peace!

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