02x17 - Dead Uncles & Vegetables

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[The phone is ringing. Lorelai rushes down the steps to answer it, but the machine picks up before she can get it.]

LORELAI: [on answering machine] Hey, we're not in, so ah, bashed my thumb! Leave a message.

EMILY: I am so tired of this ridiculous machine. I get it every time I call. . .

LORELAI: Oh, that was close.

EMILY: You are Rory are always out. What is it that you do? Is your house that awful you can't be in it? It's too much excitement, if you ask me. . .

LORELAI: Well, what isn't in Emily's rules of conduct?

EMILY: I don't want to talk to a machine, I'll just call you later. [hangs up]

LORELAI: If you had your way, Mother, you'd lock us up like veal. That's what she wants, veal children.

[phone rings again]

LORELAI: [on answering machine] Hey, we're not in, so ah, bashed my thumb! Leave a message.

EMILY: It's me again. Listen. . .

LORELAI: You're talking into the machine.

EMILY: Don't forget that my DAR meeting is on Tuesday. Please. . .

LORELAI: It's b*rned into my brain. It's there forever.

EMILY: . . . it's at three o'clock and all the women are all extremely punctual.

LORELAI: When I'm senile and ga-ga and drooling into a cup, and yet I can't remember my name, I'll still remember that your DAR meeting is that Tuesday.

EMILY: . . . this Tuesday. I'll talk to you about some other things later. [hangs up]

LORELAI: I'm gonna have to be de-programmed by cult de-programmers to get that Tuesday out of my brain.

[phone rings again]

LORELAI: [on answering machine] Hey, we're not in, so ah, bashed my thumb! Leave a message.

EMILY: Your phone message is annoying. . .

LORELAI: Unbelievable.

EMILY: Do you know how annoying it is?

LORELAI: I think I have a standard against which to measure it.

EMILY: . . .to it yourself. Have you heard it lately?

LORELAI: I can't because I'm amputating my ears.

EMILY: . . .and that thumb bashing thing, is that a joke? Why is it that your jokes are always. . .

LORELAI: Ah, an earless world, what a dream!

[opening credits]


[In the dining room, Emily is sitting at a table tasting soups as Lorelai and Sookie stand by watching.]

LORELAI: Haven't you already tasted that one, Mom?


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