02x16 - Theres The Rub

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[Luke's apartment is under construction. Luke delivers food to some customers, a chunk of the ceiling falls onto the table.]

LUKE: Here you go. Geez, uh, sorry folks. Uh, here. . .there we go. Free coffee all around. You might wanna put your hand over that. There we go. [walks over to construction worker] Tom, what the hell is going on up there?

TOM: We're redoing your apartment. What do you think is going on up there?

LUKE: The ceiling's falling in. I've got customers eating drywall here.

TOM: Oh, well, that can't be good.

LUKE: You said minimal disruptions.

TOM: Hey, this is minimal disruptions. Look, I need you to sign this change order.

LUKE: What happened now?

TOM: Well, we broke through this wall and we found some pipes that shouldn't be there. We gotta move them.

LUKE: Move them where?

TOM: Not sure. We gotta find out what they do first.

LUKE: You're kidding?

TOM: Oh yeah. There's nothing I like more than a good moving a pipe' joke.

LUKE: Fine, one more week, that's it.

TOM: Oh, sure, construction ultimatum. Ha, that's even funnier than my moving pipe joke.

[Lorelai and Rory walk in]


LUKE: Hey.

LORELAI: Geez, look at this place.

RORY: It's a mess.

LORELAI: How long .

LUKE: Nope can't sit here.

LORELAI: Why not?

LUKE: Three people got nailed in the head here earlier.

LORELAI: But their food was okay, right?

LUKE: Will you just move? [Lorelai's cell phone rings] Outside.

LORELAI: You know, if I sit here one more second, I just might be outside. Order me some coffee.

[Lorelai walks away; Jess walks over to the table and hands Rory an open umbrella]

LUKE: Oh, you are really funny. You and Tom should put an act together. I'd leave it open.

[cut to outside]

LORELAI: Go ahead Mom, I can hear you now.

EMILY: I wanted to know if you'd like a gift certificate for a weekend at the Birch Grove Spa.

LORELAI: Are you serious?

EMILY: I bid on it at the DAR Symphony Fundraiser and I won.

LORELAI: Birch Grove? That's supposed to be an amazing place, why don't you go?

EMILY: Oh, I've never had any real desire to go to a spa.

LORELAI: Why'd you bid on it then?

EMILY: It was for charity, I had to bid on something. And I certainly didn't want another portrait of George Washington. I've got four in the attic already.

LORELAI: Well, I'd love it.

EMILY: Good.

LORELAI: Two days of total mind-numbing pampering. Massages, facials, aromatherapy.

𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬☕︎︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora