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September first rolled around quickly, and it was time for yet another magical school year at Hogwarts. The Montclair family stood at the station, preparing to board the Hogwarts Express.

"Alright, Isabella, keep an eye on your brothers," Mrs. Montclair instructed, ensuring the young witch knew what to do

Isabella nodded, her eyes filled with excitement.

"The trick is just not to crash into the wall," Henry said sarcastically.

Henry ran full speed towards the brick wall, and he passed through it effortlessly, disappearing from sight.

Isabella stood frozen, her eyes widening with pure amazement. The sight before her shattered all preconceived notions of what was possible in their reality.

"It's not as scary as it seems," Oliver said, turning to his little sister, noticing her awe-struck expression. He wanted to reassure her. "Believe me, I was terrified when I did it for the first time last year."

Oliver extended his hand out to Isabella, a reassuring smile on his face.

"Here, we'll do it together," Oliver said.

Isabella hesitated for a moment but then took Oliver's hand, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. She looked into his eyes and said, "I'm trusting you."

With their hands clasped firmly, the siblings ran towards the wall. Just like before, they passed through the brick wall effortlessly, entering into a world of wonder.

As they emerged on the other side, Isabella couldn't help but utter, "Wow," her voice filled with astonishment.

Oliver chuckled. "I know, trippy right?" he replied.

Oliver and Isabella settled themselves into the train, finding comfortable seats to relax in.

As they got settled, an old woman approached carrying a cart full of delectable snacks. "Anything off the trolley, dears?" she asked warmly.

Oliver turned to Isabella, knowing her fondness for sweets. "Do you want anything?" he inquired.

Isabella's eyes lit up with delight. "Yeah, I'll take some salt water taffy and acid pops," she responded, her mouth already watering at the thought.

Oliver couldn't help but chuckle as he remembered the last time he had eaten acid pops. "You're a brave girl," he said teasingly.

Oliver's mind couldn't help but wander to Hermione. He was half hoping he would see her, yet at the same time, hoping he wouldn't. The memory of their interrupted kiss, courtesy of Henry, still lingered in his thoughts. As they arrived home, Oliver made sure to voice his displeasure to Henry, feeling disheartened that he might not get another chance to kiss Hermione.

Just as his thoughts consumed him, a familiar voice unexpectedly interrupted them.

"I'll take some acid pops, please," the voice said.

Oliver turned, his heart pounding in his chest, fully aware of who must be standing there.


There she was, standing in the same train car.

Oliver quickly sat back down, pulling a newspaper in front of his face in a feeble attempt to hide.

"Oliver, is that you?" Hermione asked.

It was clear that Oliver's hiding tactic did not work.
Slowly, he lowered the newspaper from his face with a nervous smile.

"Hey, Hermione," Oliver said, managing to meet her gaze.

Hermione noticed the empty seat next to Oliver and said, "Do you mind if I come sit with you guys? I'm in a compartment all by myself, and it gets quite lonely."

Without any hesitation, Isabella replied, her mouth still full of candy, "Not at all!"

Hermione took a seat across from Oliver.

"Is this your sister, Isabella?" Hermione asked Oliver.

"Yup, she's starting her first year," Oliver replied, a proud smile spreading across his face.

Hermione's face lit up with a genuine excitement. "Ohhhh, exciting stuff!" she exclaimed.

"You're really pretty, Hermione," Isabella blurted out.

Hermione's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she chuckled at the unexpected compliment. "Good to know the Montclair siblings all think that," she replied playfully, her smirk directed at Oliver.

Oliver gave her a nervous laugh, desperately trying his best to make it sound genuine. He couldn't shake off the feeling of embarrassment whenever he was around Hermione. The thought of that day replayed in his mind repeatedly, where he had faltered and failed to kiss her. It weighed heavily on his heart, adding to his unease.

Silent and fidgety, Oliver tapped his lap and looked around at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact with Hermione. But she wasn't oblivious to his discomfort. Breaking the awkward silence, she gently asked, "Have you heard from Harry at all?"

"Uh, no, I haven't," he replied, his voice tinged with disappointment. "I sent him a letter and a present for his birthday, but he never responded."

A wave of sadness washed over Hermione's expression as she confessed, "He didn't respond to any of my letters either." Her voice held a tinge of hurt, revealing the disappointment she felt from her friend's silence.

"You wrote to Harry too?" Oliver asked suddenly, feeling a tiny pang of jealousy prickling at his heart.

"Of course I did," she replied. "He's one of my best friends."

Oliver couldn't comprehend why he was experiencing this jealousy, but he suspected it stemmed from his own insecurities, particularly the lingering disappointment of their failed kiss.

Shaking off those thoughts, Oliver refocused on the conversation. Breaking away from his internal turmoil, he responded to Hermione's question, "Nope, I haven't seen Ron either. I'm sure they're fine."

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