Inter-Dimensional Travel

Start from the beginning

I stood there impatiently, all the way until I could see a figure appear from on top of the platform.

"Y/N L/N." He turned around and looked me up and down. "Oh, wow, I thought you would be taller."

(Even if you're already super tall, he still would've imagined you taller 😭)

"What- hey, you can't say that!" I balled my fist up while i ripped off my mask. "Who are you anyways?"

The platform finally reached the floor, and he stepped off. "I'm Miguel O'hara. I'm the Spiderman of Earth- 928." He walked closer to me, soon circling me like a shark.

"Uhm, I'm Y/N, but I guess you already know my name. Why did you schedule this meeting for 3 AM..." I sighed and fiddled with the mask in my hand.

"Because Miles would've been asleep. Anyway, I wanted to invite you to our elite organization of spiderpeople... and more." He stopped in front of me, handing me a watch.

"What does this even do? Why do I need it-" I was quickly cut off by an agonizing pain spreading all throughout my body. It felt as if I were being stabbed all across my body a million times.

"That is why you need it." He slid the watch on my hand while I caught my breath on the floor.

"So you said Earth-2099? What does that mean." I weakly stood up, the pain lingering in my body.

"You don't remember? Lyla, can you please explain." Miguel walked back to his platform.

"Who's Ly -" a small hologram of a woman appeared around Miguel, pulling up holographic images.

"Earth-1610, in which 5 spider-variants were transported due to an Alchemex Collider."

A replay of each spiderperson appeared on the holographic screens.

"13 year old - at the time - Miles Morales was bitten by a radioactive spider. Skip the details, blah, blah, blah, he helped each person return to their dimension. Unbeknownst to him, he didn't completely seal the rift in the universe." Miguel pulled up some screens on his platform, silently watching.

"Ohh, so each earth is a different dimension. Wait, so does that mean that I traveled through dimensions?!" I quickly walked toward his platform.

"Inter-Dimensional Travel. Lyla completed the final quirks on it." He pressed a button, making the watch on my wrist light up and open. "I'm assigning you a partner. She's new here, something in common. You'll go around with her and tour the place."

He turned to me. He then looked behind me, signaling the arrival of my new partner. I quickly turned around.

"Gwanda?" She waved at me, walking closer and closer.

"Y/N, right? My name is Gwen. Gwen stacy." She held out her hand, implying for me to shake out. I hesitantly stuck out my hand and shook her own.

"Yeah, hey..." I remember her. Her and Miles had a little thing going on, but I can't be mad about that since we weren't dating at the time.

"Come on, Y/N, let's go get a tour." She silently grabbed my arm and tugged me out of Miguel's presence.

We walked in uncomfortable silence for a few moments before she decided to speak up. "So, how's Miles? I miss him."

I silently winced out of jealousy. I tried my hardest to push it down while speaking, "He's gotten into some trouble, but you know. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Yeah, y'know, he's always been a smart kid. How long have ya known him? Because I didn't see you when I was there, so I could only guess that this is a more recent thing -"

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