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Yamaguchi pov:

I walk in the gym. Everyone stares.
Suga walks over.
"Yams, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"With the pills.."

"I'm not following?"

"Tsukki said you were on acid at his house yesterday."

"Tsukki lied then. I wasn't even at his house yesterday."

"Yes you fucking were don't lie Yamaguchi."

"Dude. I'm not on fucking pills."

"Yes the fuck you are don't lie."

Fake cry. Make a scene.

I force tears out of my eyes.

"Why are you saying this tsukki? Stop spreading rumors just because you're mad that I stood you up to hang out yesterday.."

I start to cry into sugas arms.

"I don't know why he's saying these horrible things, suga.. *sob*"

"You know what, Yamaguchi? Were fucking through."

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