2: it was your fault, you're responsible

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Raindrops thumped against her hotel window the next morning. Back home the sounds of cars were scarce, but from the second floor of the Hilton, Maristella could hear all the taxi traffic happening a mere floor below her. The stretch of road was always occupied there in New York City, which she became accustomed to many nights ago throughout the production.

Aris- a nickname her dad had given her- turned over reluctantly to turn off her alarm. However, when she checked her phone, she realized it was a phone call, not the 8am alarm she had set the night before. If it was just anybody, say her manager, Melanie, for example, she would've hung up the phone right then and there and went back to sleep. But the contact name caught her attention, plus it was her 'Pamcak3' phone. She decided to answer it, so she connected her airpods as she pulled the comforter back over her shoulders.

"Morning, Tom," the words rolled lazily off her tongue.

"Pam! What was that last night," he barked through the phone. Their personalities contrasted greatly, but you know what they say: opposites attract. The two had been best friends pretty much since they met.

"Wil, who's invited a woman into L'-man-burg?" Tommy boomed obnoxiously into his mic.

"Well actually, Tom-"

"I'm not a woman, dipshit."

And they had killed Tommy with one swipe of their diamond sword. After Tom came back, spewing profanities, Pam explained that they went by they/them pronouns and were not, in fact, a woman. They refrained from explaining that streaming was their only way they could slightly show their gender-expression, but it had shut him up all the same. He then proposed a truce, which they accepted. The two immediately started scamming people and their bond was sealed. When the stream was over, though, he apologized again.

"Pamcake, I'm so fucking sorry. Half the time I don't even know what I'm saying on stream. I didn't mean to invalidate you or anything, especially in front of that many people-"

"Tom, you're a fucking idiot," they had laughed. "It's really not that big of a deal, don't stress over it. Moving on, do you wanna play FNAF with me?"

"Bitch, are you insane?" Tom said, moving on exactly as Pam had said. "Never, in a million years, am I going to play that possessed demon game with you-"

"Too late!" they hummed in excitement, clacking erupting from their computer. "See you tomorrow at 6pm, est! Bye!"

TommyInnit and Pamcak3's duo, "the diamond duo",  had become a fan favorite, so it gave them infinite excuses to stay on call for hours at a time. Pam had become close to many other members, including being a part of the "bench quartet", but not as close as they were with Tommy. Not "call-whenever-you're-drunk-and-need-someone-to-keep-you-in-check" type of close.

"Love you, too, bitch. Did you really have to wake me up at 5am in the morning to yell at me over last night? I have a lot to do today."

"I know, bitch, because you told the fucking world on stream last night!" He came across as pissed, but Pam caught the concern laced in.

"Hey, Tom, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have streamed last night, in that state and all, but thank you for being there with me. Who knows, without you I might've doxxed myself," she laughed, relieved to hear Tommy laughing with them.

"Aw, stop, you're making me blush!" Tommy joked through his laughter. Aris could picture him slacking his hand during the sentence, making them giggle.

"You're such an idiot. But seriously, why'd you have to call me at 5am, Tom?"

moments behind set || tommyinnit x genderfluid ocWhere stories live. Discover now