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The hallways of the school were surprisingly crowded during my lunch period. Bodies were pressing close to me as I pressed myself into the cool metal of my best friend's locker. I sighed and glanced at my watch; not relishing the thought of having to go into the lunchroom by myself. Sighing I mentally counted to ten, closing my eyes, before edging alongside the lockers towards my destination.

An arm encircled my waist before I had even gone two or three lockers down the hallways. Looking up I smiled when I saw Brett's grinning face as I was pressed closer to his side. "Where you going, Munchkin?" Brett asked me, using his favorite nickname for me, as I watched his lips.

I tossed my long hair out of my face, flicking him in the chest with it, and gave him a mock angry look. "Heading to the lunchroom without you," I told him as I gave him a quizzical look. "What took you so long? Usually you are the one waiting for me to get out of class."

Letting me go for a second, Brett closed his locker and locked the lock. Rolling his eyes he grabbed me and began to join the crowd in the hallway. "Mrs Wane wanted to go over something that had to do with my bio essay that we had to give to her today." He grimaced with a shudder. "She was amazed that out of everyone in the class, I was one of the few who put some effort into it." I laughed at the thought of Brett being told off by a teacher for handing in an assignment that he had worked on for once.

"Did you get a half decent mark at least?" I tried to stay close to Brett as we made our way to the lunchroom.

Shrugging his shoulders, I could feel Brett chuckle, dragging his fingers of his free hand through his redish brown hair. "No clue what mark I got." I knew that he rolled his eyes. "The old bat probably would still give me a crappy mark anyways," he scoffed, leading me to the lunchline. Pushing me ahead of him, grabbing a lunch tray, "My treat."

"Brett I have lunch money," I reminded him as he continued to push me along.

"Yeah and your point is?"

"My point is that I have money to buy myself food."

"You drive me to school so the least I can do besides giving you gas money is to feed you once or at least a few times a week." He looked up at the menu overhead. "Let's see, macaroni with cheese, pizza or veggie lasagna?"

"What kind of pizza?" I craned my head trying to see the menu but I was too short, even on my toes, so I let Brett continue to read the menu while I read his lips.


"Veggie lasagna then." I told him. "Dr Pepper please."

Brett laughed as he handed me my plate with lasagna on it. "Here you go munchkin. I will grab our drinks but you go and grab an icecream or something for both of us then meet me at cash."

Walking away from Brett I grabbed a brownie for myself and a drumstick for Brett at the dessert area. Placing them on my tray, alongside my lasagna, I turned away from the counter when someone roughly clipped my shoulder as they walked by causing me to wince."Ow," I muttered under my breath. Shaking my head I let it go and continued my way back to Brett. Just as I reached the line for the cashier someone tapped my shoulder gently.

"I'm sorry for hitting your shoulder," I stood there shaking when I realized who was talking to me. Beside me stood Jace Manning looking at me with his dark, hazel, green eyes apologetically. I took in his five foot, eleven inch, frame and I immediately took a step back. His height scared me but his overall apperance, dyed red hair with black roots beginning to show in it, did not.

"Its okay." I told him and bumped into someone behind me.

I stopped shaking momentarily when I looked behind me to see who I had bumped. Seeing Brett I relaxed. "Jace, great to see you. Do you want to sit with Lily and me?"

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