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"I think we should have sex."

Us nearly choked on his coke when Ta sprung that sentence on him without even looking away from the TV. It was their usual Friday evening consisting of pizza and a movie; a tradition they established since they first moved in together. Ta was an awesome roommate, despite Us's initial assumptions, as he thought Ta looked like a bit of a jerk or a fuckboy. He wasn't messy or loud either, and he was happy to split their chores 50/50 without a fuss.

How long was it since they moved in together? Us did a mental count. Year and five months. In that amount of time, they've met each other's friends, lovers, siblings, and a couple of hook-ups, but never seemed to be interested in having something more between them.

Us set down the can and paused the movie. "What?" He asked, a little confused. "Sex. You and me." Ta said nonchalantly. "I think we should do it. I think it would be enjoyable for both of us."

"You're creeping me out dude." Us cringed. "What brought this up? Are you hitting on me?"

Ta let out a chuckle. "Not at all. But I am serious. I think we would be compatible. We're both bi, single, and haven't gotten laid in..." He counted on his fingers. "Over three months. So unless you have someone you're not telling me about, or have decided to start celibacy, I think it would be really good for you too. But it was just an idea, it's okay if your answer is no."

He then resumed the movie and grabbed another pizza slice, acting as if that conversation never even happened. Slightly shocked, Us took back his can of coke and sipped. He made it a rule not to hook up with his friends, let alone roommates, and he wondered how much it could potentially mess up their relationship and home atmosphere if anything went wrong. Still, he couldn't shake the thought of him and Ta for the rest of the evening, and even imagined it as he laid in bed later on, drifting off to sleep.


crUSty 18:23

I'm in.

sTAllion 18:24


crUSty 18:25

Your offer from last night. Unless it was a joke?

sTAllion 18:26

No lol it wasn't, dead serious. Tonight?

crUSty 18:27

I'll be back by 9.

sTAllion 18:28

Glad to hear that :P this is exciting.

crUSty 18:29

Just make sure to wash your dick or I'll kill you.

"You're an idiot for agreeing to it." Mai scoffed. When Us came over to the salon to get a touch up on his roots, they immediately engaged in gossip about guys, specifically Mai's current new boyfriend. Us made the mistake of telling him about Ta's suggestion and the reasoning for it.

"Ten minutes ago you literally just told me that I'm pathetic for not getting laid for three months." Us scoffed, looking at himself in the mirror as Mai applied the last swipe of bleach to his hair.

"I mean you are, but sleeping with your roommate? It could cause problems, you know? Maybe one of you will catch feelings while the other doesn't, making it uncomfortable. Or you both do and start dating and then break up, which is worse, because then the living arrangement can become unbearable. Least bad scenario is you will feel awkward for a couple of days before one of you starts seeing someone else."

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